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Matière Molle
(414) Articles dans des revues
Shape remodeling and blebbing of active cytoskeletal vesicles Auteur(s): Loiseau E., Schneider Jochen A. M., Keber Felix C., Pelzl Carina, Massiera G., Salbreux Guillaume, Bausch Andreas R. (Article) Publié: Science Advances, vol. 2 p.UNSP e1500465 (2016) Texte intégral en Openaccess : |
Colloidal Particles in Thin Nematic Wetting Films Auteur(s): Jeridi H., Tasinkevych Mykola, Othman Tahar, Blanc C. (Article) Publié: Langmuir, vol. 32 p.9097 (2016) |
Tuning the Structure and Rheology of Polystyrene Particles at the Air-Water Interface by Varying the pH Auteur(s): Truzzolillo D., Sharaf Hossameldeen, Jonas Ulrich, Loppinet Benoit, Vlassopoulos Dimitris (Article) Publié: Langmuir, vol. 32 p.6956-6966 (2016) |
Translational viscous drags of an ellipsoid straddling an interface between two fluids Auteur(s): Boniello G., Stocco A., Gross M., In M., Blanc C., Nobili M. (Article) Publié: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, And Soft Matter Physics, vol. 94 p.012602 (2016) |
Origin of Invariant Gel Melting Temperatures in the c-T Phase Diagram of an Organogel Auteur(s): Christ Elliot, Blanc C., Al Ouahabi Abdelaziz, Maurin D., Le Parc R., Bantignies J.-L., Guenet Jean-Michel, Collin Dominique, Mesini Philippe J. (Article) Publié: Langmuir, vol. 32 p.4975-4982 (2016) |
Nanocomposites with both structural and porous hierarchy synthesized from Pickering emulsions Auteur(s): Avendano Carlos, Brun Nicolas, Mourad Eleonore, Fontaine Olivier, Sarroste Christine Labrugere, Baccour Mohamed, In M., Mehdi Ahmad, Stocco A., Vioux Andre (Article) Publié: New Journal Of Chemistry, vol. 40 p.4344-4350 (2016) |
Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Cellulose Composite: From Aqueous Dispersions to Pickering Emulsions Auteur(s): Avendano Carlos, Brun Nicolas, Fontaine Olivier, In M., Mehdi Ahmad, Stocco A., Vioux Andre (Article) Publié: Langmuir, vol. 32 p.3907-3916 (2016) |