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(1) Presentation(s)


Mer. 08/11/2023 09:45 Bâtiment 20, Amphi

LANCO Loïc (Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, Palaiseau)
Quantum optics with (single) spins and (single) photons

(Physique de l'exciton, du photon et du spin)


The quest for efficient spin-photon interfaces is at the core of many proposals in quantum optics. On the one hand, it would allow developing deterministic spin-photon and photon-photon gates for quantum computing, as well as multi-entangled states with N photons, for quantum communications. On the other hand, it would allow implementing interesting fundamental studies on quantum measurement, whereby each photon can be used to « observe » the spin system.

In this seminar, I will briefly review some systems used for spin-photon coupling, and then focus on the recent progress made in C2N, using charged quantum dots in pillar-based cavities. I will show how we can use the same device as a quantum emitter – to emit several photons all entangled with the same spin, or as a quantum receiver – to allow exchanging the quantum information between a confined spin and the incoming photons.

Along the way, I will show how one can play with the polarization degree of freedom in various ways, to encode multi-photon entanglement as well as to extract information on the various processes occurring in our solid-state structures.

Finally, I will discuss some perspectives of our work, for the realization of optimized spin-photon interfaces and their use in various applications.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Finco A.