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(1) Presentation(s)


Lun. 16/07/2012 14:00 Petite Ourse, Bâtiment 13, Etage 1 (à confirmer)

STRICKLAND Michael (Gettysburg College, USA)
NNLO hard-thermal-loop thermodynamics for QCD

(Théorie des Interactions Fondamentales)


I will present the result of a calculation of the thermodynamic functions of a quark-gluon plasma for general Nc and Nf to three-loop order using hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory. At this order, all ultraviolet divergences can be absorbed into renormalizations of the vacuum energy, the HTL mass parameters, and the strong coupling constant. I will show that at three loops, the results for the pressure, energy density, entropy density, and the trace anomaly are in very good agreement with lattice data down to temperatures T ~ 2Tc. References: arXiv:1103.2528, arXiv:1106.0514, arXiv:1005.1603

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Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Frigerio M.