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(1) Presentation(s)


Mar. 08/10/2019 14:00 Petite Ourse, Bâtiment 13, Etage 1

PARET Joris (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb)
A search for hidden order in disordered materials

(Physique Statistique)


When liquids are cooled fast enough to avoid crystallization, they undergo what is known as a glass transition : their viscosity increases by several orders of magnitude until they become rigid. Although at the molecular scale these materials remain amorphous and display no long-range order, experimental and computational studies of several glassy materials do indicate the presence of subtle forms of local order. My work is focused on answering the following question: are amorphous materials as amorphous as they look? I will present a method based on information theory, called community detection, whose purpose is to bring out structural diversity in amorphous materials. I will show that this method is able to highlight structural heterogeneities in three different model glass-formers. Finally, I will discuss the correlation of these structural heterogeneities with the particles' mobility.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Paret J.