CC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC !last changes: J-L Kneur, March 01, 2005 C ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C New version of the bsg routine (January 10, 2001) C Many new things ... C Original file name from P.Gambino : susyNLO.f C ---------------- Beginning of code -------------------------------------------- C La routine matching calcola i coeff di Wilson per un dato modello. C La routine bsg calcola il branching ratio a partire dai C Coeff di Wilson. version 1/6/98 bug corretto C our ew corrections are implemented only for mh=100 7/2000 subroutine su_bsg(as,t,bc,rcb,aeinv,scw,scb,scl,vkm,bsl,deltp,io, + c70,c71,c80,c81,ee,bbox,br) C Input: C as alpha_s (M_Z) C t top mass [enters only in the calculation of alpha_s(scw)] C bc pole bottom mass - pole charm mass C rcb pole charm mass / pole bottom mass C aeinv 1/alpha(muw) C scw matching scale C scb low-energy scale C scl scale for semileptonic C vkm |V_ts V_tb / V_cb |^2 C bsl semileptonic BR C deltp cut on photon energy C io LO (io=0) NLO (io=1) C c70,c71,c80, C c81,ee matching conditions C bbox ratio box/box_SM for CKM matrix elemts C Output: C br BR(b->s gamma) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension aa(8),eee(8),ff(8),gg(8),hh(8),clead(8), . fnum(8,8),bb(8) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/fun/z common/su_bsllsign/iwrongsign external func1,func2,func3,func4 C PARAMETRI DI INPUT wm=80.419d0 zm=91.187d0 rbs=50.d0 delt=deltp hlam=0.12d0 ! lambda_2 (HQET parameter) ityp=1 ! calcola f_ij tramite integrali c ityp=2 ! valori numerici di f_ij per delt=0.99 o 0.9 e sqrt(z)=0.29 c EW corrections for mh=100 ?? iew=1 C ALTRI PARAMETRI asc=as ioc=io tc=t z=rcb**2 ae=1.d0/aeinv pi=4.d0*datan(1.d0) pi2=pi**2 if(c70.eq.0) then br=0 return endif C MAGIC NUMBERS aa(1)=14./23. aa(2)=16./23. aa(3)=6./23. aa(4)=-12./23. aa(5)=0.4086 aa(6)=-0.4230 aa(7)=-0.8994 aa(8)=0.1456 eee(1)=4661194./816831. eee(2)=-8516./2217. eee(3)=0. eee(4)=0. eee(5)=-1.9043 eee(6)=-0.1008 eee(7)=0.1216 eee(8)=0.0183 ff(1)=-17.3023 ff(2)=8.5027 ff(3)=4.5508 ff(4)=0.7519 ff(5)=2.0040 ff(6)=0.7476 ff(7)=-0.5385 ff(8)=0.0914 gg(1)=14.8088 gg(2)=-10.8090 gg(3)=-0.8740 gg(4)=0.4218 gg(5)=-2.9347 gg(6)=0.3971 gg(7)=0.1600 gg(8)=0.0225 hh(1)=626126./272277. hh(2)=-56281./51730. hh(3)=-3./7. hh(4)=-1./14. hh(5)=-0.6494 hh(6)=-0.0380 hh(7)=-0.0186 hh(8)=-0.0057 bb(1)=0.5784 bb(2)=-0.3921 bb(3)=-0.1429 bb(4)=0.04762 bb(5)=-0.1275 bb(6)=0.03174 bb(7)=0.007811 bb(8)=-0.003101 C CALCOLO ALPHA asscw=asf(scw) asscb=asf(scb) eta=asscw/asscb C COEFF WILSON A SCB c10b=-eta**(-12./23.)+eta**(6./23.) c20b=(eta**(-12./23.)+2*eta**(6./23.))/3. sumh=0. do i=1,8 sumh=sumh+hh(i)*eta**aa(i) enddo c70b=eta**(16./23.)*c70+8./3.*(eta**(14./23.)-eta**(16./23.))* + c80+sumh c if(c70b .lt. 0.d0) then iwrongsign = 0 !Sign as in SM else iwrongsign = 1 !Sign has been flipped: trouble w/ b --> sll! endif c addition of sign of C7 = sign of SM constraint (equiv b->s l+l- sign): c electroweak corrections only for the calculation of c70b if(iew.eq.1)then c70t= c70 *(0.974d0) !-0.005d0) c80t= c80 *(0.993d0) ! -0.005d0) c c70(mb) including ew corrections; last term from ew from mixings c70bew=eta**(16./23.)*c70t+8./3.*(eta**(14./23.)-eta**(16./23.))* + c80t+sumh + 0.00054d0 else c70bew=c70b endif c print*,"c70bew",c70bew,c70b c80b=(c80+313063./363036.)*eta**(14./23.)-0.9135*eta**0.4086+ + 0.0873*eta**(-0.4230)-0.0571*eta**(-0.8994)+0.0209*eta**0.1456 if(io.eq.1)then sumg=0. do i=1,8 c old sumg=sumg+(eee(i)*eta*ee+ c + ff(i)+gg(i)*eta)*eta**aa(i) sumg=sumg+(eee(i)*eta*(ee+4.d0/3.d0*Log(scw/wm))+ + ff(i)+(gg(i)+12*bb(i)*Log(scw/wm))*eta)*eta**aa(i) enddo c71b=eta**(39./23)*c71+8./3*(eta**(37./23)-eta**(39./23))*c81 c71b=c71b+(297664./14283.*eta**(16./23.)-7164416./357075.* + eta**(14./23.)+256868./14283.*eta**(37./23.)-6698884./357075.* + eta**(39./23.))*c80 c71b=c71b+37208./4761.*(eta**(39./23.)-eta**(16./23.))*c70+sumg endif clead(1)=c10b clead(2)=c20b clead(3)=-eta**(-12./23.)/27.+2*eta**(6./23.)/63.-0.0659* + eta**0.4086+0.0595*eta**(-0.423)-0.0218*eta**(-0.8994)+ + 0.0335*eta**0.1456 clead(4)=-eta**(-12./23.)/9.+eta**(6./23.)/21.+0.0237* + eta**0.4086-0.0173*eta**(-0.423)-0.1336*eta**(-0.8994)- + 0.0316*eta**0.1456 clead(5)=eta**(-12./23.)/108.-eta**(6./23.)/126.+0.0094* + eta**0.4086-0.01*eta**(-0.423)+0.0010*eta**(-0.8994)- + 0.0017*eta**0.1456 clead(6)=-eta**(-12./23.)/36.-eta**(6./23.)/84.+0.0108* + eta**0.4086+0.0163*eta**(-0.423)+0.0103*eta**(-0.8994)+ + 0.0023*eta**0.1456 clead(7)=c70b clead(8)=c80b C CORREZIONI HQET bm2=(bc/(1-sqrt(z)))**2 bm=sqrt(bm2) ! bottom mass cm2=z*bm2 ! charm squared mass fkin=1-8*z+8*z**3-z**4-12*z**2*log(z) hqb=-6*hlam*(1-(1-z)**4/fkin) hqc= hlam*(c10b/54.d0-c20b/9.d0)/c70b !corrected according to NPB version hqet=1+hqb/bm2+hqc/cm2 c print*,c71b C CALCOLO LEADING c vkm from input is the result of a SM fit here we change to other models box= 1.d0+(1.04884-vkm)*(1.d0-1.d0/dsqrt(bbox))/vkm c box=1.d0 !in case we don't want that c Czarnecki-Marciano QED correction alpha0= 1.d0/137.036 cqed0=alpha0/ae*(1- 2.d0*ae*log(zm/bm)/pi)* - (1 -ae/pi*(104.d0/243.d0 - 8.d0*c70/9.d0)*log(wm/bm)/abs(c70b)) br=bsl*vkm*6*ae*c70b**2/(pi*fkin)*hqet*box c brsenza=bsl*vkm*6*ae/(pi*fkin)*hqet*box if(io.eq.0)then br= br*cqed0 c print*, cqed0 endif C CORREZIONE NLO if(io.eq.1)then cb=-8.*asf(scb)/(3*pi) !-18.6d0*(asf(scb)/pi)**2 c dalla massa polo del b z2=z*z z3=z2*z z4=z3*z zs=sqrt(z) zl=log(z) C **** ho portato 17./ nella riga sotto hz=-(1-z2)*(25./4.-239./3.*z+25./4.*z2)+z*zl*(20+90*z-4./3.*z2+ + 17./3.*z3)+z2*zl**2*(36+z2)+(1-z2)*(17-64*z+17*z2)/3.*log(1-z) hz=hz-4*(1+30*z2+z4)*zl*log(1-z)-(1+16*z2+z4)*(6*sp(z)-pi2)-32* + zs**3*(1+z)*(pi2-4*sp(zs)+4*sp(-zs)-2*zl*log((1-zs)/(1+zs))) csl=2*asf(scl)/(3*pi)*hz/fkin ! dal semileptonico rie3=1.202057 r2=-833+144*pi2*zs**3+(1728-180*pi2-1296*rie3+(1296-324*pi2)*zl+ + 108*zl**2+36*zl**3)*z+(648+72*pi2+(432-216*pi2)*zl+36*zl**3)*z2 r2=2./243.*(r2+(-54-84*pi2+1092*zl-756*zl**2)*z3) r1=-r2/6. r7=-10./3.-8*pi2/9. r8=-4./27.*(-33+2*pi2) geff1=-208./243. geff2=416./81. geff7=32./3. geff8=-32./9. cd= c10b*(r1+geff1*log(bm/scb))+c20b*(r2+geff2*log(bm/scb)) cd=cd+c70b*(r7+geff7*log(bm/scb))+c80b*(r8+geff8*log(bm/scb)) c print*,c71b,cd cd=2.d0*asscb/(4*pi)*c70b*(c71b+cd) ! dall'ampiezza D deltg=log(delt) if(ityp.eq.1)then delt2=delt**2 delt3=delt2*delt deltg1=log(1-delt) fff77=(10*delt+delt2-2./3.*delt3+delt*(delt-4)*deltg)/3. c old formula c fff88=-2*log(rbs)*(delt2+2*delt+2*deltg1)+2*sp(1-delt)-pi2/3. c fff88=(fff88-delt*(1+2*delt)*deltg+8*deltg1-2./3.*delt3+3*delt2 c + +7*delt)/27. c fff78=8./9.*(sp(1-delt)-pi2/6.-delt*deltg+(11*delt-3*delt2+ c + delt3/3.)/4.) c new and correct formula fff88=-2*log(rbs)*(delt2+2*delt+4*deltg1)+4*sp(1-delt)-2*pi2/3. fff88=(fff88-delt*(2+delt)*deltg+8*deltg1-2./3.*delt3+3*delt2 + +7*delt)/27. fff78=8./9.*(sp(1-delt)-pi2/6.-delt*deltg+(9*delt-delt2+ + delt3/3.)/4.) eps=1.d-4 est0=0.d0 est1=(1-delt)/z est2=1./z fff22=16*z/27.*(delt*gauss1(func1,est0,est1,eps)+ + gauss1(func2,est1,est2,eps)) fff27=-8*z2/9.*(delt*gauss1(func3,est0,est1,eps)+ + gauss1(func4,est1,est2,eps)) else if(ityp.eq.2)then if(abs(delt-0.99d0).lt.0.0001d0)then fff77=3.42106099217725 c old numbers c fff78=0.394065893946580 c fff88=0.668299012321822 c new numbers (correct) for delta=0.99 fff78=0.389665893956536 fff88=3.216166804631025 fff22=3.402419197348582d-002 fff27=1.817503700368764d-002 else if(abs(delt-0.9d0).lt.0.0001d0)then fff77=3.20598527956 fff78=0.38734061186 fff88=1.31742266135 fff22=3.40367951120922d-002 fff27=1.81788563733362d-002 endif endif fff28=-fff27/3. fff11=fff22/36. fff12=-fff22/3. fff17=-fff27/6. fff18=-fff28/6. fnum(1,1)=fff11 fnum(1,2)=fff12 fnum(1,3)=-0.003493067823644294 fnum(1,4)=0.0005821779706073824 fnum(1,5)= -0.04589256102467917 fnum(1,6)=-0.05997538991269699 fnum(1,7)=fff17 fnum(1,8)=fff18 fnum(2,2)=fff22 fnum(2,3)=0.02095840694186576 fnum(2,4)=-0.003493067823644294 fnum(2,5)=0.2753553661480751 fnum(2,6)=0.359852339476182 fnum(2,7)=fff27 fnum(2,8)=fff28 fnum(3,3)=0.01399990588537613 fnum(3,4)=-0.004666635295125378 fnum(3,5)=0.3276651145509532 fnum(3,6)=0.06660649932577872 fnum(3,7)=0.04208256917382194 fnum(3,8)=-0.01402752305794064 fnum(4,4)=0.008791470008620995 fnum(4,5)=-0.05461085242515887 fnum(4,6)=0.1569505914595811 fnum(4,7)=-0.007013761528970321 fnum(4,8)=0.002337920509656775 fnum(5,5)=1.93694064002221 fnum(5,6)=0.9505876392301583 fnum(5,7)=0.5925919999999998 fnum(5,8)=-0.1975306666666666 fnum(6,6)=0.9305162079553912 fnum(6,7)=0.0001919555740097084 fnum(6,8)=-0.00006398519133657409 fnum(7,7)=fff77 fnum(7,8)=fff78 fnum(8,8)=fff88 a1=(exp(-asscb*deltg*(7+2*deltg)/(3*pi))-1)*c70b**2 a2=0.d0 do j=1,8 do i=1,j a2=a2+fnum(i,j)*clead(i)*clead(j) enddo enddo a2=asscb/pi*a2 ca=a1+a2 !dal bremsstrahlung c QED correction after eq 11 of Kagan-Neubert c7em= (32d0/75d0*eta**(-9d0/23d0) -40d0/69d0*eta**(-7d0/23d0)+ & 88./575.*eta**(16d0/23d0))*c70+ & (-32./575.*eta**(-9d0/23d0)+32./1449.*eta**(-7d0/23d0)+ & 640./1449.*eta**(14.d0/23.d0)-704./1725.*eta**(16d0/23d0))*c80 & -190./8073.*eta**(-35d0/23d0)-359./3105.*eta**(-17./23.)+ & 4276./121095.*eta**(-12./23.)+350531./1009125.*eta**(-9./23.)+ & 2./4347.*eta**(-7./23.)-5956/15525.*eta**(6./23.)+ & 38380./169533.*eta**(14./23.)-748./8625.*eta**(16./23.) c here we can decide where to put the QED correction: using cqed or in the c overall QED factor qed1 below cqed=2.d0*ae/asscb*c7em*c70b c TRUNCATED VERSION c deff=sqrt(abs((1+cb+csl+(cd+ca+cqed)/c70bew**2)*c70bew**2)) c NB here the term |D|**2 in eq.16 was expanded in powers of alphas c this may cause problems when c70b is small therefore here we put c also the option without truncation C NON TRUNCATED VERSION deff=sqrt(abs((c70bew+cd/2.d0/c70b)**2+ca+cqed+(cb+csl)*c70b**2)) c - for the same reason we need to recalculate hqc hqc= hlam*(c10b/54.d0-c20b/9.d0)*c70b/deff**2 !corrected according to NPB version hqetnlo=1+hqb/bm2+hqc/cm2 br=br*deff**2/c70b**2*hqetnlo/hqet c semileptonic qed corr cqed1= (1- 2.d0*ae*log(zm/bm)/pi) ! - c & 2.d0*ae/asscb*c7em/deff) c - (1-0.55*ae/pi/deff*(104.d0/243.d0 -8.d0*c70/9.d0)*log(wm/bm)) br= br*alpha0/ae*cqed1 endif return end C*************************************************************** double precision function gre(t) C PARTE REALE DI G(T) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if( gre=-2*(datan(sqrt(t/(4-t))))**2 else pi=4.*datan(1.d0) pi2=pi**2 gre=-pi2/2+2*(log((sqrt(t)+sqrt(t-4))/2.))**2 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function gim(t) C PARTE IMMAGINARIA DI G(T) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if( gim=0. else pi=4.*datan(1.d0) gim=-2*pi*(log((sqrt(t)+sqrt(t-4))/2.)) endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function func1(t) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/fun/z func1=(1-z*t)*((gre(t)/t+.5)**2+(gim(t)/t)**2) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function func2(t) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/fun/z func2=(1-z*t)**2*((gre(t)/t+.5)**2+(gim(t)/t)**2) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function func3(t) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/fun/z func3=gre(t)+t/2. return end C************************************************************************* double precision function func4(t) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/fun/z func4=(1-z*t)*(gre(t)+t/2.) return end C************************************************************************* double precision FUNCTION GAUSS1(F,A,B,EPS) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) REAL*8 W(12),X(12),A,B,EPS,DELTA,CONST,AA,BB,Y,C1,C2,S8, 1 S16,U,F DATA CONST /1.0E-25/ DATA W 1 / 0.10122 85362 90376 25915 25313 543, 2 0.22238 10344 53374 47054 43559 944, 3 0.31370 66458 77887 28733 79622 020, 4 0.36268 37833 78361 98296 51504 493, 5 0.02715 24594 11754 09485 17805 725, 6 0.06225 35239 38647 89286 28438 370, 7 0.09515 85116 82492 78480 99251 076, 8 0.12462 89712 55533 87205 24762 822, 9 0.14959 59888 16576 73208 15017 305, A 0.16915 65193 95002 53818 93120 790, B 0.18260 34150 44923 58886 67636 680, C 0.18945 06104 55068 49628 53967 232 / DATA X 1 / 0.96028 98564 97536 23168 35608 686, 2 0.79666 64774 13626 73959 15539 365, 3 0.52553 24099 16328 98581 77390 492, 4 0.18343 46424 95649 80493 94761 424, 5 0.98940 09349 91649 93259 61541 735, 6 0.94457 50230 73232 57607 79884 155, 7 0.86563 12023 87831 74388 04678 977, 8 0.75540 44083 55003 03389 51011 948, 9 0.61787 62444 02643 74844 66717 640, A 0.45801 67776 57227 38634 24194 430, B 0.28160 35507 79258 91323 04605 015, C 0.09501 25098 37637 44018 53193 354 / DELTA=CONST*ABS(A-B) GAUSS1=0. AA=A 5 Y=B-AA IF(ABS(Y) .LE. DELTA) RETURN 2 BB=AA+Y C1=0.5*(AA+BB) C2=C1-AA S8=0. S16=0. DO 1 I = 1,4 U=X(I)*C2 1 S8=S8+W(I)*(F(C1+U)+F(C1-U)) DO 3 I = 5,12 U=X(I)*C2 3 S16=S16+W(I)*(F(C1+U)+F(C1-U)) S8=S8*C2 S16=S16*C2 IF(ABS(S16-S8) .GT. EPS*(1.0+ABS(S16))) GO TO 4 GAUSS1=GAUSS1+S16 AA=BB GO TO 5 4 Y=0.5*Y IF(ABS(Y) .GT. DELTA) GO TO 2 PRINT 7 GAUSS1=0. RETURN 7 FORMAT(1X,37HGAUSS1 ... TOO HIGH ACCURACY REQUIRED) END C ***************************************************************** subroutine matching(imod,io,nlosusy,ihv,scw,as,t,h,tanb, + stopl,stoph,xstop,sb1,sb2,xsbot,sqk,gl,aat,abo,amu, + chm,u,v,c70,c80,c71,c81,ee,bbox,ierr) C Input: C imod SM (0), Two Higgs (1), SUSY (2) C io LO (io=0) NLO (io=1) C nlosusy susy coeff at LO (=0) or NLO (=1) C ihv if nlosusy=1: 1= heavy sqk/gluino case (new paper), C 0= light stop_R case (old paper) C scw matching scale C as alpha_s (M_Z) C t pole top mass C h Higgs mass C tanb tan(beta) C stopl lighter stop mass C stoph heavier stop mass C xstop stop mixing angle (in units of PI) C sb1,sb2 sbottom masses C xsbot sbottom mixing angle (in units of PI) C sqk common left-squark mass C gl mgluino C aat At soft parameter C abo Ab soft parameter C amu MU parameter C ch_m lightest chargino mass C u,v chargino U,V matrices C Output: C c70 C7 (LO) C c71 C7 (NLO) C c80 C8 (LO) C c81 C8 (NLO) C ee E(x) C ierr OK (0), manca soluzione per M (1,2) C R R_delta = Delta_susy/Delta_SM per bbbar boxes implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),chm(2),tmix(2,2),acc(2,2),accd(2), + str(2),xsqc(2),xstc(2,2),yy(2),uno(2),due(2),dues(2),aacc(2,2), + sbr(2),bmix(2,2) double precision nem(4), nn(4,4) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc common/bs_hig/au,ad C PARAMETRI DI INPUT wm=80.419d0 zm=91.1867d0 C ALTRI PARAMETRI pi=4.*datan(1.d0) pi2=pi**2 sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) r23=2.d0/3.d0 sinb=tanb/dsqrt(1+tanb**2) cosb=sinb/tanb asc=as tc=t stoplc=stopl stophc=stoph xstopc=xstop xsbotc=xsbot amuc= amu sqkc=sqk glc=gl ioc=io C SCELTA MODELLO HIGGS au=1./tanb ad=-tanb ! Modello II C ad=1./tanb ! Modello I C MASSE RUNNING A SCW c topr= runt(scw) topr = runm(scw,6) c print*, topr,tc,runt(tc) xt= (topr/wm)**2 if( then yt=(topr/h)**2 end if if( then str(1)=stoph ! no running mass for stops str(2)=stopl c tmix(1,1)=dcos(xstop*pi) tmix(1,2)=dsin(xstop*pi) tmix(2,1)=-tmix(1,2) tmix(2,2)=tmix(1,1) cgg add sbottom sbr(1)=sb2 ! no running mass for sbottoms sbr(2)=sb1 bmix(1,1)=dcos(xsbot*pi) bmix(1,2)=dsin(xsbot*pi) bmix(2,1)=-bmix(1,2) bmix(2,2)=bmix(1,1) c - now the chargino routine is called outside c call chargino(tanb,ch_m,amu,amg,chm,u,v,ierr) c if( then c stop 'error chargino' c WRITE(6,*)'error chargino' c return c goto 3 c endif c this is for the susy limit only c ierr=0 c u(1,1)=1./sq2 c u(1,2)=1./sq2 c u(2,1)=-1./sq2 c u(2,2)=1./sq2 c v(1,1)=1./sq2 c v(1,2)=-1./sq2 c v(2,1)=1./sq2 c v(2,2)=1./sq2 c chm(1)=wm c chm(2)=wm ierr= 0 do i=1,2 xsqc(i)=(sqk/chm(i))**2 do k=1,2 xstc(k,i)=(str(k)/chm(i))**2 enddo enddo endif C COEFF WILSON A SCW (LO) c70=ff1(xt) c80=fg1(xt) c ==> NNB electroweak corrections only for the calculation of c70b c be careful that it is not used both here and in the routine bsg c c70= c70 *(0.974d0) !-0.005d0) c c80= c80 *(0.993d0) ! -0.005d0) if( c70=c70+au**2/3.*ff1(yt)-au*ad*ff2(yt) c80=c80+au**2/3.*fg1(yt)-au*ad*fg2(yt) endif if( sint= tmix(1,2) cost= tmix(1,1) sbmx= bmix(1,2) cbmx= bmix(1,1) do j=1,2 accd(j)=u(j,2)*wm/(sq2*cosb*chm(j)) yy(j)= v(j,2)*tmix(2,2)*topr/(sq2*wm*sinb) do k=1,2 c this is t_jk, t_1j=acc(j,1); t_2j=-acc(j,2) acc(j,k)=v(j,1)*tmix(k,1)-v(j,2)*tmix(k,2)*topr/(sq2*wm*sinb) enddo enddo c70s=0.d0 c80s=0.d0 do j=1,2 c NB for the limit of heavy squarks but stop2 comment next4 lines + do k=2,2 c70s=c70s+r23*v(j,1)**2*(wm/sqk)**2*ff1(xsqc(j)) c80s=c80s+r23*v(j,1)**2*(wm/sqk)**2*fg1(xsqc(j)) c70s=c70s+accd(j)*v(j,1)*ff3(xsqc(j)) c80s=c80s+accd(j)*v(j,1)*fg3(xsqc(j)) do k=1,2 ! k is the stop index c70s=c70s-r23*acc(j,k)**2*(wm/str(k))**2*ff1(xstc(k,j)) c80s=c80s-r23*acc(j,k)**2*(wm/str(k))**2*fg1(xstc(k,j)) c70s=c70s-accd(j)*acc(j,k)*tmix(k,1)*ff3(xstc(k,j)) c80s=c80s-accd(j)*acc(j,k)*tmix(k,1)*fg3(xstc(k,j)) enddo c large tan beta terms c uno(j)=u(j,2)*v(j,1)*wm/(sq2*cosb*chm(j)) c due(j)=u(j,2)*v(j,2)*topr/(2.d0*cosb*sinb*chm(j))*sint*cost c c70s= c70s+uno(j)*(ff3(xsqc(j))- c & cost**2*ff3(xstc(1,j))-sint**2*ff3(xstc(2,j))) c c70s= c70s+due(j)*(ff3(xstc(1,j))-ff3(xstc(2,j))) c c80s=c80s+ uno(j)*(fg3(xsqc(j))- c & cost**2*fg3(xstc(1,j))-sint**2*fg3(xstc(2,j))) c c80s=c80s+ due(j)*(fg3(xstc(1,j))-fg3(xstc(2,j))) enddo c70=c70+c70s c80=c80+c80s endif C COEFF WILSON A SCW (NLO) if(io.eq.1)then Cgg - Standard Model part c71=ffsm(xt)+ffsmlog(xt)*2*log(scw/wm) c81=fgsm(xt)+fgsmlog(xt)*2*log(scw/wm) ee=esm(xt) cgg print*,"sm ",c71,c81 if( Cgg - Charged Higgs two-doublets part c71=c71+ffh(yt)+ffhlog(yt)*2*log(scw/h) c81=c81+fgh(yt)+fghlog(yt)*2*log(scw/h) ee=ee+au**2*eh(yt) endif if( .and. nlosusy.eq.1 )then Cgg - SUSY part: depends on which approximation is valid ... c71s=0.d0 c81s=0.d0 ees=0.d0 do j=1,2 ees = ees + acc(j,2)**2*(wm/str(2))**2*echi(xstc(2,j)) enddo if( ihv.EQ.0 ) then ! This is the old light stop_R case do j=1,2 C ees = ees + acc(j,2)**2*(wm/str(2))**2*echi(xstc(2,j)) c notice that in the following sqk is used for all the squarks of c light flavors c the functions g7,8chi1,2 are not exactly the same as in the paper c but they are combinations g7chi1= -8.d0/9.d0*ff1(xstc(2,j))*(-1.d0+6.d0*log(glc/chm(j))+ - 2.d0*delta1(sqk) ) - - 4/9.d0 *echi(xstc(2,j)) + xstc(2,j)*ffs5(xstc(2,j)) + - 32.*(fg1(xstc(2,j))-3.*ff1(xstc(2,j)))*2* - log(scw/chm(j))/27.d0 g8chi1= -8.d0/9.d0*fg1(xstc(2,j))*(-1.d0 + - 2.*delta1(sqk)+6.d0*log(glc/chm(j)))- - 1/6.d0 *echi(xstc(2,j)) + xstc(2,j)*fgs5(xstc(2,j)) - - 28.*fg1(xstc(2,j))*2*log(scw/chm(j))/9.d0 g7chi2= -4.d0/3.d0*ff3(xstc(2,j))*(2.*delta1(sqk)+ - delta2(sqk,sqk)-2.d0) - ffs1(xstc(2,j)) + - 16.*(fg3(xstc(2,j)) -3.*ff3(xstc(2,j)))*2* - log(scw/chm(j))/9.d0 g8chi2= -4.d0/3.d0*fg3(xstc(2,j))*(2.*delta1(sqk)+ - delta2(sqk,sqk)-2.d0) - fgs1(xstc(2,j)) - - 14.*fg3(xstc(2,j))*2*log(scw/chm(j))/3.d0 g7chi3= 8.d0/9.d0*ff1(xstc(2,j))*(12.*log(scw/glc)+ - 2.d0*deltat2(sqk)-2.d0) g8chi3= 8.d0/9.d0*fg1(xstc(2,j))*(12.*log(scw/glc)+ - 2.d0*deltat2(sqk)-2.d0) g7chi4= 4.d0/3.d0*ff3(xstc(2,j))*(6.*log(scw/glc)+ - deltat2(sqk)-1.d0) g8chi4= 4.d0/3.d0*fg3(xstc(2,j))*(6.*log(scw/glc)+ - deltat2(sqk)-1.d0) c71s= c71s + acc(j,2)**2*(wm/str(2))**2*g7chi1 + - accd(j)*tmix(2,1)*acc(j,2)*g7chi2 + - acc(j,2)*yy(j)*(wm/str(2))**2*g7chi3 + - accd(j)*yy(j)*tmix(2,1)*g7chi4 cgg print*,"c71ss j",j, delta2(sqk,sqk) c81s= c81s +acc(j,2)**2*(wm/str(2))**2*g8chi1 + - accd(j)*tmix(2,1)*acc(j,2)*g8chi2+ - acc(j,2)*yy(j)*(wm/str(2))**2*g8chi3 + - accd(j)*yy(j)*tmix(2,1)*g8chi4 enddo c additional contributions from shifts of SM and 2HDM c NB in ..sw we use ww(sqk,0)=1/2 for sqk=mgl cf= 4.d0/3.d0 c71sw= cf*(tmix(1,1)**2*ww(sqk,stophc)+ - tmix(1,2)**2/2.d0)*gg7(xt) c print*,c71sw c81sw= cf*(tmix(1,1)**2*ww(sqk,stophc)+ - tmix(1,2)**2/2.d0)*gg8(xt) c71sp= cf*(2*utd(sqk)*ff1(xt)/3.d0 - -(utd(sqk)+udd(sqk,sqk))*ff2(xt)) c print*,c71sp c81sp= cf*(2*utd(sqk)*fg1(xt)/3.d0 - -(utd(sqk)+udd(sqk,sqk))*fg2(xt)) c71sh= cf*(2*au**2/3.d0*ftd(sqk)*ff1(yt) - +(ftd(sqk)+fdd(sqk,sqk))*ff2(yt)) c print*,c71sh c81sh= cf*(2*au**2/3.d0*ftd(sqk)*fg1(yt) - +(ftd(sqk)+fdd(sqk,sqk))*fg2(yt)) c if you want to have only LO susy coeff comment the following 3 lines c71=c71 +c71s+c71sw+c71sp+c71sh c81=c81 +c81s+c81sw+c81sp+c81sh else if( ihv.EQ.1 ) then ! This is the new heavy colored particles case cc LARGE LOGS ONLY (ex large tanb scenario) c >>>> NNB Msusy is set HERE!!! C amsusy= 1200.d0 ! msusy, to be set equal to average? amsusy= sqk ! set equal to average squark mass c NB in dmb H2=-1/2 this is true only for degenerate sbottoms!! dmb=asf(amsusy)/pi/3.d0*amuc*tanb/glc c notation as in the new paper xx1=(sb1/glc)**2 xx2=(sb2/glc)**2 u1=(stophc/glc)**2 u2=(stoplc/glc)**2 y11=(stophc/chm(1))**2 y12=(stophc/chm(2))**2 y21=(stoplc/chm(1))**2 y22=(stoplc/chm(2))**2 yukt= 0.65d0*runt(amsusy)/wm/sq2 !g(mz)=0.65 epsb= -asf(amsusy)*2.d0/3.d0/pi*amuc/glc*h2(xx1,xx2) epsbew=-(yukt/4/pi)**2*aat/chm(1)*u(1,2)*v(1,2)*h2(y11,y21) - & (yukt/4/pi)**2*aat/chm(2)*u(2,2)*v(2,2)*h2(y12,y22) c print*,"epsbew",epsbew epsbew=0. isb=1 if( isb.eq.0 ) then epsbp= -asf(amsusy)*2.d0/3.d0/pi*amuc/glc* & (cost**2*h2(u1,xx2)+sint**2*h2(u2,xx2)) else if( isb.eq.1 ) then epsbp= -asf(amsusy)*2.d0/3.d0/pi*amuc/glc* & (cost**2*(h2(u1,xx2)*cbmx**2+h2(u1,xx1)*sbmx**2)+ & sint**2*(h2(u2,xx2)*cbmx**2+h2(u2,xx1)*sbmx**2)) endif if( isb.eq.0 ) then epst= -asf(amsusy)*2.d0/3.d0/pi*amuc/glc* & (cost**2*h2(u2,xx1)+sint**2*h2(u1,xx1)) else if( isb.eq.1 ) then epst= -asf(amsusy)*2.d0/3.d0/pi*amuc/glc* & (cost**2*(h2(u2,xx1)*cbmx**2+h2(u2,xx2)*sbmx**2)+ & sint**2*(h2(u1,xx1)*cbmx**2+h2(u1,xx2)*sbmx**2)) endif c print*,"x12",epsb,epsbp,epst,sb1,sb2,aat akk= 1/(1+(epsb+epsbew)*tanb) eta= asf(amsusy)/asf(scw) c first redefine the couplings; do j=1,2 do k=1,2 aacc(j,k)=v(j,1)*tmix(k,1)- & v(j,2)*tmix(k,2)*runt(amsusy)/(sq2*wm*sinb) enddo enddo c7imp=0.d0 c8imp=0.d0 do j=1,2 c == first we write the improved LO coeff c7imp=c7imp+r23*v(j,1)**2*(wm/sqk)**2*ff1(xsqc(j)) c8imp=c8imp+r23*v(j,1)**2*(wm/sqk)**2*fg1(xsqc(j)) c7imp=c7imp+akk*accd(j)*v(j,1)*ff3(xsqc(j)) c8imp=c8imp+akk*accd(j)*v(j,1)*fg3(xsqc(j)) do k=1,2 ! k is the stop index c7imp=c7imp-r23*aacc(j,k)**2*(wm/str(k))**2*ff1(xstc(k,j)) c8imp=c8imp-r23*aacc(j,k)**2*(wm/str(k))**2*fg1(xstc(k,j)) c7imp=c7imp-akk*accd(j)*aacc(j,k)*tmix(k,1)*ff3(xstc(k,j)) c8imp=c8imp-akk*accd(j)*aacc(j,k)*tmix(k,1)*fg3(xstc(k,j)) enddo enddo c only large tan beta c c7imp= c7imp+uno(j)*(ff3(xsqc(j))- c & cost**2*ff3(xstc(1,j))-sint**2*ff3(xstc(2,j))) c c7imp= c7imp+dues(j)*(ff3(xstc(1,j))-ff3(xstc(2,j))) c c8imp= c8imp+uno(j)*(fg3(xsqc(j))- c & cost**2*fg3(xstc(1,j))-sint**2*fg3(xstc(2,j))) c c8imp=c8imp+ dues(j)*(fg3(xstc(1,j))-fg3(xstc(2,j))) c enddo cgg print*,"c7imp",c7imp,c8imp,runt(amsusy) c == First, the LL from the running of the ops c c7ll= -32.d0/3.d0*(c70s-c80s/3.d0)*log(msy/scw) c c8ll= -28.d0/3.d0*c80s*log(msy/scw) c == the same but resummed c7ll=eta**(16.d0/21.d0)*c7imp+8.d0/3.d0*(eta**(14.d0/21.d0)- - eta**(16.d0/21.d0))*c8imp !-c70s c c7ll=4*pi/asf(scw)*c7ll c8ll=eta**(14.d0/21.d0)*c8imp !-c80s c c8ll=4*pi/asf(scw)*c8ll c print*,"c7ll",c7ll,c8ll,c70s,c80s,akk c7sg=tanb*(epsb-epsbp)*akk*ff2(xt)/(asf(amsusy)/4.d0/pi) c8sg=tanb*(epsb-epsbp)*akk*fg2(xt)/(asf(amsusy)/4.d0/pi) c c7sg= -8.d0/3.d0*amuc*tanb/glc*ff2(xt) * c - (-0.5d0 -cost**2*h2((stophc/glc)**2,0.99d0)- c - sint**2*h2((stoplc/glc)**2,0.99d0)) c c8sg= -8.d0/3.d0*amuc*tanb/glc*fg2(xt)* c - (-0.5d0 -cost**2*h2((stophc/glc)**2,0.99d0)- c - sint**2*h2((stoplc/glc)**2,0.99d0)) cgg print*,"c7sg",c7sg,c8sg,akk c7sh= 8.d0/3.d0*amuc*tanb/glc*ff2(yt)* - (-0.5d0 +cost**2*h2((stophc/glc)**2,0.99d0)+ - sint**2*h2((stoplc/glc)**2,0.99d0)) c8sh= 8.d0/3.d0*amuc*tanb/glc*fg2(yt)* - (-0.5d0 +cost**2*h2((stophc/glc)**2,0.99d0)+ - sint**2*h2((stoplc/glc)**2,0.99d0)) cgg print*,c7sg,dmb,c7ll c if you want to have only LO susy coeff C if(nlosusy.eq.1)then c71s=c7sg !+ c7ll+c7sh c81s=c8sg !+c8ll+c8sh c70=c70 +c7ll-c70s c80=c80 +c8ll-c80s c71=c71 +c71s !+c71sw+c71sp+c71sh these are only for light stop2 c81=c81 +c81s !+c81sw+c81sp+c81sh C endif endif ! switch on ihv ee= ee + ees endif endif C the ratio R_delta for the B-Bbar mixing and epsilon deltabox=aab(xt) !SM contribution c print*,"d",deltabox if( !2HDM contribution deltabox=deltabox + au**4*yt*gboxh(yt)/4.d0 + - 2*au**2*xt*(fpbox(xt,xt/yt)+ gpbox(xt,xt/yt)/4.d0) endif if( ! here we include only the light stop deltaboxs=0.d0 do ibox=1,2 do jbox=1,2 deltaboxs=deltaboxs+ acc(jbox,2)**2*acc(ibox,2)**2* - (wm**2/chm(jbox)**2)/xt* - gpbox(xstc(2,jbox), (chm(ibox)**2/chm(jbox)**2)) enddo enddo deltabox=deltabox+deltaboxs c print*,deltaboxs endif bbox= deltabox/aab(xt) 3 return end C*************************************************************** double precision function runt(x) C CALCOLA M_top^{running} (X) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc if( fn=5. else fn=6. endif b0=11.-2*fn/3. b1=102.-38.*fn/3. g0=8. g1=404./3.-40*fn/9. asx=asf(x) ast=asf(tc) rrr=tc*(asx/ast)**(g0/(2*b0)) if(ioc.eq.0)then runt=rrr else corr=1+ast*g0/(4*pi*2*b0)*(-b1/b0+g1/g0)*(asx/ast-1) c this is the relation between mpole/mt(mpole) c pol= 1+4*ast/(3*pi) !+10.9d0*(ast/pi)**2 c this is the relation between mpole/mtrun(mtrun) pol=1+4*ast/(3*pi)+8.243d0*(ast/pi)**2 c this is the 1loop order result c pol=1+4*ast/(3*pi) runt=rrr*corr/pol endif return end C*************************************************************** c we do not use stop running mass c double precision function runst(x) C CALCOLA M_stop^{running} (X) c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc c common/st/stoplc,stophc c runst=0. c return c end C*************************************************************** double precision function asf(x) C CALCOLA ALPHA_S (X) c NB it uses 5 flavors for x=mt implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc fn=5. b0=11.-2*fn/3. b1=102.-38.*fn/3. vvv=1-b0*asc/(2*pi)*log(zm/x) if(ioc.eq.0)then asf=asc/vvv else asf=asc/vvv*(1-b1/b0*asc/(4*pi*vvv)*log(vvv)) endif if( vvv=1-b0*asc/(2*pi)*log(zm/tc) if(ioc.eq.0)then ast=asc/vvv else ast=asc/vvv*(1-b1/b0*asc/(4*pi*vvv)*log(vvv)) endif b0t=b0-2./3. b1t=b1-38./3. vvv=1-b0t*ast/(2*pi)*log(tc/x) if(ioc.eq.0)then asf=ast/vvv else asf=ast/vvv*(1-b1t/b0t*ast/(4*pi*vvv)*log(vvv)) endif endif return end C*************************************************************** double precision function sp(x) C FUNZIONE DILOG implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) external f pi=4.*datan(1.d0) if( sp=f(x) else if( sp=-f(1.d0-x)+pi**2/6.-dlog(x)*dlog(1.d0-x) else if( sp=-f(1.d0/x)-pi**2/6-.5d0*(dlog(-x))**2 else write(6,*)'error in dilog',x endif return end double precision function f(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) dimension b(12) z=-dlog(1.d0-x) b(1)=-.5d0 b(2)=1.d0/6. b(3)=0. b(4)=-1.d0/30. b(5)=0.d0 b(6)=1.d0/42. b(7)=0.d0 b(8)=-1.d0/30. b(9)=0.d0 b(10)=5.d0/66. b(11)=0.d0 b(12)=-691.d0/2730. cc=z sum=z do i=1,12 cc=cc*z/(i+1.d0) sum=sum+b(i)*cc enddo f=sum end C************************************************************************* double precision function ff1(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then d=1./(x-1)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**4 ff1=x*(7-5*x-8*x**2)*d/24.+x**2*(3*x-2)*dg/4. else ff1=-5./48. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fg1(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then d=1./(x-1)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**4 fg1=x*(2+5*x-x**2)*d/8.-3*x**2*dg/4. else fg1=-1./16. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ff2(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then d=1./(x-1)**2 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**3 ff2=x*(3-5*x)*d/12.+x*(3*x-2)*dg/6. else ff2=-7./36. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fg2(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then d=1./(x-1)**2 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**3 fg2=x*(3-x)*d/4.-x*dg/2. else fg2=-1./6. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ff3(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) ff3=2.d0/3.d0*(1-1.d0/x)*ff1(x)+ff2(x)+23.d0/36.d0 return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fg3(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) fg3=2.d0/3.d0*(1-1.d0/x)*fg1(x)+fg2(x)+1.d0/3.d0 return end C************************************************************************* double precision function gg7(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then d=1./(x-1)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**4 gg7=-(23-67*x+50*x**2)*d/36.d0 +x*(2-7*x+6*x**2)*dg/6.d0 else gg7=3./8.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function gg8(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then d=1./(x-1)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**4 gg8=-(4-5*x-5*x**2)*d/12.d0 +x*(1-2*x)*dg/2.d0 else gg8=1./8.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function esm(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then d=1./(x-1)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1)**4 esm=x*(-18+11*x+x**2)*d/12.+x**2*(15-16*x+4*x**2)*dg/6. esm=esm-2./3.*log(x) else esm=43./72. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function eh(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then d=1./(x-1.)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1.d0)**4 eh=x*(16-29*x+7*x**2)*d/36.d0+x*(3*x-2)*dg/6.d0 else eh=1./8.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* c NB there is a misprint in Gabrielli-Giudice a factor2 c moreover this corresponds to E(1/x) in GG notation double precision function echi(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then d=1./(x-1.d0)**3 dg=log(x)/(x-1.d0)**4 echi= x*(11.d0 - 7.d0*x + 2.d0*x**2)*d/18.d0 - x*dg/3.d0 else echi=1./12.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ffsm(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then x2=x*x x3=x2*x x4=x3*x x5=x4*x d4=(x-1)**4 d5=d4*(x-1) spx=sp(1-1./x) xl=log(x) xl2=xl**2 ffsm=(-16*x4-122*x3+80*x2-8*x)*spx/(9*d4)+(6*x4+46*x3-28*x2)*xl2 + /(3*d5)+(-102*x5-588*x4-2262*x3+3244*x2-1364*x+208)*xl/(81*d5) ffsm=ffsm+(1646*x4+12205*x3-10740*x2+2509*x-436)/(486*d4) else ffsm=-3451./9720. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fgsm(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then x2=x*x x3=x2*x x4=x3*x x5=x4*x d4=(x-1)**4 d5=d4*(x-1) spx=sp(1-1./x) xl=log(x) xl2=xl**2 fgsm=(-4*x4+40*x3+41*x2+x)*spx/(6*d4)+(-17*x3-31*x2)*xl2/(2* + d5)+(-210*x5+1086*x4+4893*x3+2857*x2-1994*x+280)*xl/(216*d5) fgsm=fgsm+(737*x4-14102*x3-28209*x2+610*x-508)/(1296*d4) else fgsm=-9821./12960. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ffsmlog(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then diff=(-x*(18*x**2+30*x-24)*log(x)+47*x**3-63*x**2+9*x+7)/24. + /(x-1)**5 ffsmlog=8*x*diff+16./3.*ff1(x)-16./9.*fg1(x)+208./81. else ffsmlog=1369./810. endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fgsmlog(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then diff=(6*x*(1+x)*log(x)-x**3-9*x**2+9*x+1)/4.d0 + /(x-1)**5 fgsmlog=8*x*diff+14./3.d0*fg1(x)+35./27.d0 else fgsmlog=869./1080.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ffh(wth) !this includes -4/9 E_H implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/bs_hig/au,ad th= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) th= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 ffh = Ad*Au*(4.d0*(7.d0*th - 13.d0*th**2 + 2.d0*th**3)/ - (3.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**3) + - 16.d0*(-3.d0*th + 7.d0*th**2 - 2.d0*th**3)* - sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/th)/(9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**3) + - 8.d0*(-3.d0*th - th**2+12.d0*th**3 - 2.d0*th**4)*Log(th)/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + - 4.d0*(8.d0*th - 14.d0*th**2 - 3.d0*th**3)*Log(th)**2/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4)) + - Au**2*((893.d0*th - 5706.d0*th**2+7785.d0*th**3- 1244*th**4)/ - (486.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + - 2.d0*(18.d0*th**2 - 37.d0*th**3 + 8.d0*th**4)* - sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/th)/(9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + - 2.d0*(-56.d0*th+266.d0*th**2-183.d0*th**3- 192.d0*th**4 + - 21.d0*th**5)*Log(th)/(81.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**5) + - 2.d0*(-14.d0*th**2 + 23.d0*th**3 + 3.d0*th**4)*Log(th)**2/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**5)) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fgh(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/bs_hig/au,ad th= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) th= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 fgh = Ad*Au*((143.d0*th - 44.d0*th**2 + 29.d0*th**3)/ - (8.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**3) + - (-36.d0*th + 25.d0*th**2 - 17.d0*th**3)*sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/th)/ - (6.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**3) + - (-3.d0*th - 187.d0*th**2 + 12.d0*th**3 - 14.d0*th**4)*Log(th)/ - (12.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + (19.d0*th + 17.d0*th**2)*Log(th)**2/ - (3.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) ) - + Au**2*((1226.d0*th - 18423.d0*th**2 + 7866.d0*th**3 - - 4493.d0*th**4)/(1296.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + - (30.d0*th**2 - 17.d0*th**3 + 13.d0*th**4)* - sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/th)/(6.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + - (-238.d0*th + 847.d0*th**2 + 1335.d0*th**3 + 318.d0*th**4 + - 42.d0*th**5)*Log(th)/(216.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**5) - - (31.d0*th**2 + 17.d0*th**3)*Log(th)**2.d0/ - (6.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**5)) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ffhlog(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/bs_hig/au,ad th= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) th= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 ffhlog=-( (Ad*Au* - (2.d0*(-21.d0*th + 47.d0*th**2 - 8.d0*th**3)/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**3) + - 4.d0*(8.d0*th - 14.d0*th**2 - 3.d0*th**3)*Log(th)/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4)) + - Au**2*((31.d0*th + 18.d0*th**2 - 135.d0*th**3 + 14.d0*th**4)/ - (27.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) + - 2.d0*(-14.d0*th**2 + 23.d0*th**3 + 3.d0*th**4)*Log(th)/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**5))) ) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fghlog(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/bs_hig/au,ad th= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) th= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 fghlog = -( (Ad*Au* - ((-81.d0*th + 16.d0*th**2 - 7.d0*th**3)/(6.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**3) + - (19.d0*th + 17.d0*th**2)*Log(th)/(3.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4)) + - Au**2*((38.d0*th + 261.d0*th**2 - 18.d0*th**3 + 7.d0*th**4)/ - (36.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**4) - - (31.d0*th**2 + 17.d0*th**3)*Log(th)/(6.d0*(-1.d0 + th)**5))) ) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ffs1(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) x= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) x= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 ffs1 = (-4.d0*(-5.d0 + 3.d0*x))/(9.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**2) + - (16.d0*(3.d0-7.d0*x)*x*sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/x))/ - (9.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**3) + - (4.d0*(4.d0-30.d0*x + 40.d0*x**2)*Log(x))/ - ( 9.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**3) + - (16.d0 *(1.d0 - 3.d0*x)*x* Log(x)**2) / - (9.d0 *(-1.d0 + x )**3) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ffs5(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) x= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) x= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 ffs5 =(-85.d0 + 347.d0*x - 526.d0*x**2)/(243.d0*(-1.d0 +x)**3)+ - (4.d0*x*(-8.d0 + 13.d0*x + 6.d0*x**2)*sp(1.d0 - - 1.d0/x))/(9.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**4) + - (4.d0*(-20.d0 + 126.d0*x - 144.d0*x**2 - - 39.d0*x**3)*Log(x))/(81.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**4) + - (2.d0*x*(-10.d0 + 21.*x)*Log(x)**2)/ (9.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**4) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fgs1(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) x= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) x= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 fgs1 = (61.d0 - 39.d0*x)/(12.d0 *(-1.d0 + x)**2) + - (4.d0*x*(3.d0 + 4.d0*x)*sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/x))/ - (3.*(-1.d0 + x)**3) + - ((7.d0 - 60.d0*x - 14.d0*x**2)*Log(x)) / - (6.d0 *(-1.d0 + x)**3) + - (14.d0*x*Log(x)**2)/(3.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**3) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fgs5(wth) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) x= wth if( abs(wth-1d0).lt.1d-3 ) x= 1d0+sign(1d0,(wth-1d0))*1d-3 fgs5 = (-1210.d0 + 437.d0*x+1427.d0*x**2)/ - (648.d0*(-1.d0+x)**3) - - (x*(49.d0+46.d0*x + 9.d0*x**2)*sp(1.d0 - 1.d0/x))/ - (12.d0 *(-1.d0 + x)**4) + - ((-85.d0 + 603.d0*x + 387.d0*x**2 - - 78.d0*x**3)*Log(x))/(108.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**4) - - (13.d0*x*Log(x)**2)/(3.d0*(-1.d0 + x)**4) return end C************************************************************************* double precision function h1(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then h1=1.d0/(1-x) + (2*x - x**2)*Log(x)/(1-x)**2 else h1=-1/2.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function h3(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then h3=2.d0*x*Log(x)/(1-x) else h3=-2.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function h4(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-2)then h4=2.d0*Log(x)/(1-x) else h4=-2.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function h2(x,y) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-y).gt.1.d-2)then if(abs(x-1.).lt.1.d-2)then h2=1.d0/(-1 + y) - y*Log(y)/(-1 + y)**2 else if(abs(y-1.).lt.1.d-2)then h2=1.d0/(-1 + x) - x*Log(x)/(-1 + x)**2 else h2= x*Log(x)/((1 - x)*(x - y)) + - y*Log(y)/((1 - y)*(-x + y)) endif endif else if(abs(x-1.).lt.1.d-2)then h2=-1/2.d0 else h2=1.d0/(1 - x) + Log(x)/(-1 + x)**2 endif endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function delta1(sq) !checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc x= (sq/glc)**2 sst= dsin(pi*xstopc) cst= dcos(pi*xstopc) delta1 = -3.d0/4.d0 - h1(x)/2.d0 !+ 2.d0*sst*cst*tc/glc c the last term has been neglected according to the paper return end C************************************************************************* double precision function deltat2(sqd1) ! checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc t1= (stophc/glc)**2 d1= (sqd1/glc)**2 tlr =dsin(xstopc*pi)*dcos(xstopc*pi)*(stophc**2-stoplc**2) deltat2= 3.d0+ h3(d1)+ h1(t1)/2.d0 - (tlr/tc)*h4(t1)/glc return end C************************************************************************* double precision function delta2(sqd1,sqd2) ! checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc common/bs_hig/au,ad COMMON/SU_atri3/dal,dau,dad d1= (sqd1/glc)**2 d2= (sqd2/glc)**2 tb= 1.d0/au tlr =dsin(xstopc*pi)*dcos(xstopc*pi)*(stophc**2-stoplc**2) c aad= tlr/tc + amuc/tb ! corrected with true Ad now (jlk): aad = dad ctt =dcos(xstopc*pi)/dsin(xstopc*pi) delta2= h3(d2)*(1-ctt*tc*glc/sqd2**2) +5./2.d0 + - (h1(d1)+h1(d2))/2.d0 - 2.d0*(aad-amuc*tb)*h2(d1,d2)/glc c left over from a test? c delta2= - 2.d0*(-amuc*tb)*h2(d1,d2)/glc return end C************************************************************************* double precision function ww(sq1,sq2) !checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc x= (sq1/glc)**2 y= (sq2/glc)**2 if(abs(x-y).gt.1.d-3)then if(abs(x-1.).lt.1.d-3)then ww=(1 + 5*y)/(2*(1 - y)) + y*(2 + y)*Log(y)/(-1 + y)**2 else if(abs(y-1.).lt.1.d-3)then ww=(1 + 5*x)/(2*(1 - x)) + x*(2 + x)*Log(x)/(-1 + x)**2 else ww= (x + y - 2*x*y)/((-1 + x)*(-1 + y)) + - (x**3 - 2*x*y + x**2*y)*Log(x)/((-1 + x)**2*(x - y)) + - (2*x*y - x*y**2 - y**3)*Log(y)/((x - y)*(-1 + y)**2) endif endif else ww=0.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* c in the following function we have used h1(0)=1 and h2(1,1)=-1/2 double precision function utd(sqd1) ! checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc common/bs_hig/au,ad t1= (stophc/glc)**2 d1= (sqd1/glc)**2 sst= dsin(pi*xstopc) cst= dcos(pi*xstopc) tlr= sst*cst*(stophc**2-stoplc**2) utd=-h1(d1)/2.d0+(cst**2*h1(t1)+sst**2)/2.d0-(tlr/tc)*h4(t1)/glc + - (tlr/tc )*(cst**2*h4(d1)-sst**2)/glc c - (tlr/tc +2.d0*amuc*au)*(cst**2*h4(d1)-sst**2)/glc return end c for the checks h1[x_]:= 1/(1-x) + (2x-x^2) Log[x]/(1-x)^2 c h4[x_]:= 2 Log[x]/(1-x) C************************************************************************* double precision function udd(sqd1,sqd2) ! to be checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc common/bs_hig/au,ad COMMON/SU_atri3/dal,dau,dad t1= (stophc/glc)**2 d1= (sqd1/glc)**2 d2= (sqd2/glc)**2 tb= 1.d0/au sst= dsin(pi*xstopc) cst= dcos(pi*xstopc) c here we set Ad= At ! corrected with true Ad now (jlk): tlr =sst*cst*(stophc**2-stoplc**2) c aad= tlr/tc + amuc/tb aad = dad c udd= h1(d1)/2.d0 - (cst**2*h1(t1)+sst**2)/2.d0 - -2.d0*(aad-amuc*tb)/glc*h2(d1,d2) + - 2.d0*(aad-amuc*tb)/glc*(cst**2*h2(t1,d2)+sst**2*h4(d2)/2.d0) c - 2.d0*(aad+amuc*tb)/glc*(cst**2*h2(t1,d2)+sst**2*h4(d2)/2.d0) return end C************************************************************************* c in the paper this is H_td double precision function ftd(sqd1) ! checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc common/bs_hig/au,ad t1= (stophc/glc)**2 d1= (sqd1/glc)**2 sst= dsin(pi*xstopc) cst= dcos(pi*xstopc) tlr =dsin(xstopc*pi)*dcos(xstopc*pi)*(stophc**2-stoplc**2) ftd= -h1(d1)/2.d0 + (cst**2*h1(t1)+sst**2)/2.d0- . (tlr/tc)*h4(t1)/glc+ - (tlr/tc +amuc*(au+1.d0/au))*(cst**2*h4(d1)-sst**2)/glc c - (tlr/tc +amuc*(au-1.d0/au))*(cst**2*h4(d1)-sst**2)/glc return end C************************************************************************* c in the paper this is H_d double precision function fdd(sqd1,sqd2) ! to be checked implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) common/alp/asc,tc,pi,zm,ioc common/st/stoplc,stophc,glc,xstopc,amuc common/bs_hig/au,ad COMMON/SU_atri3/dal,dau,dad t1= (stophc/glc)**2 d1= (sqd1/glc)**2 d2= (sqd2/glc)**2 sst= dsin(pi*xstopc) cst= dcos(pi*xstopc) tb= 1.d0/au c here we set Ad= At ! corrected with true Ad coupling now (jlk) tlr =dsin(xstopc*pi)*dcos(xstopc*pi)*(stophc**2-stoplc**2) c aad= tlr/tc + amuc/tb aad = dad c fdd= h1(d1)/2.d0 - (cst**2*h1(t1)+sst**2)/2.d0 - -2.d0*(aad-amuc*tb)/glc*h2(d1,d2) + - 2.d0*(aad+amuc/tb)/glc*(cst**2*h2(t1,d2)+sst**2*h4(d2)/2.d0) c - 2.d0*(aad-amuc/tb)/glc*(cst**2*h2(t1,d2)+sst**2*h4(d2)/2.d0) return end C************************************************************************* c here there are functions which are useful for the derivation of c the ckm elements from fit double precision function aab(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then aab =(-4 +15*x -12*x**2 + x**3 + 6*x**2*Log(x))/(4.d0*(-1 + - x)**3) else aab= 3.d0/4.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function gboxh(x) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-1.).gt.1.d-3)then gboxh =(-1 + x**2 - 2*x*Log(x))/(-1 + x)**3 else gboxh= 1.d0/3.d0 endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function fpbox(x,y) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-y).gt.1.d-3)then fpbox = (-1 + x - Log(x))/((-1 + x)**2*(-x + y)) + - (x*Log(x)/(-1 + x) + y*Log(y)/(1 - y))/(x - y)**2 else fpbox=(-1 + x**2 - 2*x*Log(x))/(2*(-1 + x)**3*x) endif return end C************************************************************************* double precision function gpbox(x,y) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) if(abs(x-y).gt.1.d-3)then if(abs(y-1).gt.1.d-3)then gpbox = (3 - 4*x + x**2 + 4*x*Log(x) - 2*x**2*Log(x))/ - (2.d0*(-1 + x)**2*(-x + y)) - - (3*(-x + y)/2.d0 + x**2*Log(x)/(-1 + x) + y**2*Log(y)/(1 - y))/ - (x - y)**2 else gpbox= (-1 + x**2 - 2*x*Log(x))/(-1 + x)**3 endif else if(abs(x-1).gt.1.d-3)then gpbox=(3/2 - 2*x + x**2/2 + Log(x))/(-1 + x)**3 else gpbox=1.d0/3.d0 endif endif return end C************************************************************************* C************************************************************************* C======================================================================== SUBROUTINE CHARGINO(TGB,CH_M,AMU,AMG,CHM,U,V,IERR) C======================================================================== C Input (all masses in GeV): C TGB vev's ratio C CH_M lightest chargino mass C AMU MU parameter C Output: C AMG gaugino mass C CHM(2) chargino masses ( CHM(1) > CHM(2) ) C U,V (2,2) chargino diagonalization matrices C IERR 1 (no solution for MU) 2 (divergent solution for MU) C======================================================================== C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) DIMENSION U(2,2),V(2,2),CHM(2) WM=80.419D0 IERR=0 PI=4.*DATAN(1.D0) SQRT2=DSQRT(2.D0) EPS=1.D-2 C======================================================================== C Definition of chargino's parameters C======================================================================== CBE=1./DSQRT(1.+TGB**2) SBE=TGB*CBE S2BE=2.*SBE*CBE C2BE=CBE**2-SBE**2 C*********** Chargino masses ******************************************* AMUQ=AMU**2 CH_M2=CH_M**2 WM2=WM**2 XX=AMUQ-CH_M2 DSQRT_MU=XX*(XX+2.*WM2)+(WM2*S2BE)**2 IF(DSQRT_MU.LT.0.D+0) THEN IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF IF(DABS(XX).LT.EPS**6) THEN IERR=2 RETURN ENDIF IF(DABS(XX).LT.EPS) THEN AMG1=(WM2*S2BE-2.*AMUQ/S2BE)/(2.*AMU) AMG2=2.*AMU*WM2*S2BE/XX ELSE AMG1=(WM2*AMU*S2BE+CH_M*DSQRT(DSQRT_MU))/XX AMG2=(WM2*AMU*S2BE-CH_M*DSQRT(DSQRT_MU))/XX ENDIF c NB here we can CHOOSE either the lighter or the heavier gaugino mass c according to whether we prefer a light or heavy heavier chargino c however, choosing the max it is more likely that it will be positive c as M2 should be (see notes) AMG=MAX(AMG1,AMG2) c AMG=MIN(AMG1,AMG2) IF(AMG.LT.0.D0)THEN IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF AMGQ=AMG**2 CHM(2)=DSQRT((AMGQ+AMUQ+2.*WM2-DSQRT((AMGQ-AMUQ)**2+ & 4.*WM2*(WM2*C2BE**2+AMGQ+AMUQ+2.*AMG*AMU*S2BE)))/2.) DIFF_CH=ABS(2.*(CHM(2)-CH_M)/(CHM(2)+CH_M)) IF(DIFF_CH.GT.EPS**2) THEN AMG=MIN(AMG1,AMG2) IF(AMG.LT.0.D0)THEN IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF AMGQ=AMG**2 CHM(2)=DSQRT((AMGQ+AMUQ+2.*WM2-DSQRT((AMGQ-AMUQ)**2+ & 4.*WM2*(WM2*C2BE**2+AMGQ+AMUQ+2.*AMG*AMU*S2BE)))/2.) DIFF_CH=ABS(2.*(CHM(2)-CH_M)/(CHM(2)+CH_M)) IF(DIFF_CH.GT.EPS**2) THEN IERR=1 RETURN ENDIF ENDIF CHM(1)=DSQRT((AMGQ+AMUQ+2.*WM2+DSQRT((AMGQ-AMUQ)**2+ & 4.*WM2*(WM2*C2BE**2+AMGQ+AMUQ+2.*AMG*AMU*S2BE)))/2.) C************* U,V matrices ***************************************** HHH=(AMG*AMU-WM2*S2BE) IF(HHH.GT.0.D+0) THEN EEP=1. ELSE EEP=-1. ENDIF D_P=(AMG+AMU)**2+2.*WM2*(1.-S2BE) D_M=(AMG-AMU)**2+2.*WM2*(1.+S2BE) AA_P=(CHM(1)+EEP*CHM(2))*(AMG+AMU)/D_P AA_M=(CHM(1)-EEP*CHM(2))*(AMG-AMU)/D_M BB_P=WM*SQRT2*(CHM(1)+EEP*CHM(2))*(SBE-CBE)/D_P BB_M=WM*SQRT2*(CHM(1)-EEP*CHM(2))*(SBE+CBE)/D_M SQR=DSQRT((AA_P+AA_M)**2+(BB_P+BB_M)**2) CTETA=SQR/2. STETA=CTETA*(AA_P-AA_M)/(BB_P+BB_M) CPHI=(AA_P+AA_M)/SQR SPHI=(BB_P+BB_M)/SQR V(1,1)=CPHI V(1,2)=SPHI V(2,1)=-SPHI*EEP V(2,2)=CPHI*EEP U(1,1)=CTETA U(1,2)=STETA U(2,1)=-STETA U(2,2)=CTETA C ------------------------------------------------ C Check CCK1=U(1,1)*AMG+U(1,2)*SQRT2*WM*CBE CCK2=U(2,1)*AMG+U(2,2)*SQRT2*WM*CBE CBK1=U(1,2)*AMU+U(1,1)*SQRT2*WM*SBE CBK2=U(2,2)*AMU+U(2,1)*SQRT2*WM*SBE C1=CCK1*V(1,1)+CBK1*V(1,2)-CHM(1) C2=CCK1*V(2,1)+CBK1*V(2,2) C3=CCK2*V(1,1)+CBK2*V(1,2) C4=CCK2*V(2,1)+CBK2*V(2,2)-CHM(2) IF(DABS(C1).GT.EPS)WRITE(6,*)'check failed c1=',c1 IF(DABS(C2).GT.EPS)WRITE(6,*)'check failed c2=',c2 IF(DABS(C3).GT.EPS)WRITE(6,*)'check failed c3=',c3 IF(DABS(C4).GT.EPS)WRITE(6,*)'check failed c4=',c4 RETURN END