Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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Transition vitreuse, hétérogénéité dynamique et vieillissement dans les systèmes a dynamique lente
(24) Production(s) de l'année 2023

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+ Front propagation in ultrastable glasses is dynamically heterogeneous doi link

Auteur(s): Herrero C., Ediger Mark, Berthier L.

(Article) Publié: The Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. 159 p.114504 (2023)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

+ A double rigidity transition rules the fate of drying colloidal drops doi link

Auteur(s): Milani M., Phou T., Ligoure C., Cipelletti L., Ramos L.(Corresp.)

(Article) Publié: Soft Matter, vol. 19 p.6968-6977 (2023)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

+ Determination of pairwise interactions via the radial distribution function in equilibrium systems interacting with the Mie potential doi link

Auteur(s): Tian Jianxiang, Berthier L.

(Article) Publié: Results In Physics, vol. 52 p.106782 (2023)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : openaccess

. The two faces of friction in the relaxation dynamics of granular systems

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: Komaba Mini-Workshop (Tokyo, JP, 2023-08-22)

. Granular materials under cyclic shear: No elastic regime and they always flow

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: 9th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems (Chiba, JP, 2023-08-12)

+ Surface properties of alkali silicate glasses: Influence of the modifiers doi link

Auteur(s): Zhang Z., Ispas S., Kob W.(Corresp.)

(Article) Publié: The Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. 158 p.244504 (2023)

. On the medium-range order in silicate glass-formers: From standard two-body correlations to many-body correlations

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: 4th International Workshop on Challenges of MD simulations of Glasses and Amorphous Materials (Corning, US, 2023-07-13)

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