- Optical properties of wurtzite GaN epilayers grown on A-plane sapphire

Auteur(s): Alemu A, Gil B., Julier M, Nakamura S

(Article) Publié: Physical Review B, vol. 57 p.3761-3764 (1998)


The exciton binding energies are measured in GaN grown on A-plane sapphire. A value of 25+/-1 meV is found to be consistent with reflectance and photoreflectance experiments. This 25 meV value matches very well the results obtained on GaN epilayers grown on C-plane sapphire with strong biaxial compression, and seems to indicate that exciton energies in GaN epilayers are predominantly influenced by strain fields. From the in-plane anisotropy of optical response, we deduce a value of -2.4 eV for the C-5 deformation potential in GaN. [S0163-1829(98)03508-5].