- Nitride nanophotonics from the deep ultra-violet to the near infrared: non-linear optics and microlasers hal link

Auteur(s): Selles J., Brimont C., Guizal B., Gayral Bruno, Mexis M., Semond Fabrice, Roland Iannis, Zeng Yijia, Checoury Xavier, Boucaud Philippe, Guillet T.(Corresp.)

Conference: 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META'16) (Malaga, ES, 2016-07-25)

Ref HAL: hal-01951768_v1
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The recent developments of nitride nanophotonics, based on photonic crystal membrane nanocavities and microdisk resonators, pave the way to a novel nanophotonic platform. Here we present two recent achievements: first we demonstrate the room-temperature operation of a nitride microlaser emitting in the deep UV spectral range (=275 nm) with GaN/AlN multiple quantum wells. Secondly we tailor the second-harmonic generation of a cw near infra-red radiation coupled to a high quality factor photonic crystal cavity.