- Length scale for the onset of Fickian diffusion in supercooled liquids

Auteur(s): Berthier L., Chandler D., Garrahan J.P.

(Article) Publié: Europhysics Letters (Epl), vol. 69 p.320-326 (2005)


The interplay between self-diffusion and excitation lines in space-time was recently studied in kinetically constrained models to explain the breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein law in supercooled liquids. Here, we further examine this interplay and its manifestation in incoherent scattering functions. In particular, we establish a dynamic length scale below which Fickian diffusion breaks down, as is observed in experiments and simulations. We describe the temperature dependence of this length scale in liquids of various fragilities, and provide analytical estimates for the van Hove and self-intermediate scattering functions.

Commentaires: ISI Document Delivery No.: 898IJ Times Cited: 5 Cited Reference Count: 28 English Article 0295-5075