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(1) Presentation(s)


Jeu. 09/02/2012 14:00 Andromede, Bâtiment 11, Etage 3

ARINA Chiara (RWTH, Aachen)
Dark Matter direct detection and Bayesian statistics

(Théorie des Interactions Fondamentales)


Bayesian statistical methods offer a simple and consistent framework for incorporating uncertainties into a multi-parameter inference problem. In this talk we apply these methods to a selection of current direct dark matter searches. We consider the simplest scenario of spin-independent elastic WIMP scattering, and infer the WIMP mass and cross-section from the experimental data with the essential systematic uncertainties folded into the analysis. In the same vein, we also investigate the impact of astrophysical uncertainties on the preferred WIMP parameters. In addition we investigate the question of whether the recent modulation signal claimed by CoGeNT is best explained by the dark matter (DM) hypothesis from a Bayesian model comparison perspective, finding that the no modulation model is excluded with odds in excess of 455 : 1 when all energy bins are included in the analysis. However the requirement that the modulated signal of being compatible with the total rate lowers significantly the evidence. Therefore we investigate whether anisotropic velocity distributions can help to mitigate the tension between the CoGeNT total and modulated rates, and find encouraging results.

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Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Frigerio M.