se tiendront du 14 au 15 Octobre2013 dans l’amphithéâtre Genopolis (114 rue de la Cardonille, Montpellier – Campus IGH & IGF) [2]
Organisateurs : Gladys Massiera, Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet, Marcelo Nollmann, Andrea Parmeggiani
molecular and single-molecule biophysics
biomimetic systems
cellular and tissue biophysics
theory and modeling of living systems
and other topics !
La Participation et/ou le titre des Communications doivent être notifiés
par email à : , AVANT le 3 Octobre 2013.
Final Program
Monday October 14th
14h00-14h20 : Arrival
14h20-14h30 : Welcome
Session : “Molecular Systems I”
14h30-15h20 : Fernando MORENO HERRERO (CNB, CSIC, Madrid) : Single molecule approaches to study double-stranded DNA break resection
15h20-15h40 : Camille PREVEL (CRBM and IBMM) : Tools for detection and targeting CDK4/cyclin D – application to lung cancer, melanoma and lymphoma
15h40-16h00 : Hussein NASRALLAH (CBS) : High-Speed AFM study of the dynamics of GM1 nanodomains diffusing within supported lipid bilayers
16h00-16h20 : Nathalie DECLERCK (CBS) : Quantification and modeling of the stochastic activity of bacterial promoters at the single cell, single molecule level using fluorescence fluctuation microscopy
16h20-16h50 : Coffee break at Genopolys
Session : “Modeling approaches I”
16h50-17h40 : Gregory BATT (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt) : Cells driven by computers : long-term model predictive control of gene expression in yeast
17h40-18h00 : Partho SEN (DIMNP) Kinetic modelling of glycerophospholipid metabolism in Plasmodium knowlesi
revealed crucial steps and mode of regulation.
18h00-18h20 : Luca CIANDRINI (DIMNP-L2C) : Quantifying gene expression at the level of translation
19h00-22h00 : Dinner Buffet and Poster Session at CBS
Tuesday October 15th
Session : “Modeling approaches II”
9h00-9h50 : Igor KULIC (Institut Charles Sadron, Strasbourg) Biofilament confotronics
9h50-10h10 : Jean-Charles WALTER (L2C) Winding properties of polymers : a model for single bio-macromolecules ?
11h00-11h20 : Simon CABELLO-AGUILAR (IEM) : Polynucleotides slow translocation and discrimination through -hemolysin inside a single track-etched nanopore designed by atomic layer deposition
11h20-11h40 : Linnéa OLOFSSON-FILION (CBS) : Specific regulation of transition rates between active and inactive states of the metabotropic glutamate receptor defines agonist efficacy
11h40-12h00 : Sathish RAMAKRISHNAN (L2C) : Mechanism of material specific peptides for optical biosensors
12h00-12h20 : Diego CATTONI (CBS) : SpoIIIE mechanism of directional translocation involves target search coupled to sequence-dependent motor stimulation
12h20-14h00 : Lunch Buffet and Poster Session at CBS
Session : “Cellular Systems I”
14h00-14h50 : Aurelien BANCAUD (LAAS, Toulouse) : Conformation and dynamics of DNA in confined environments : cross-talk between chromosomes and polymers in nanofludic channels
14h50-15h10 : Antoine LE GALL (CBS) : Architecture and dynamics of the SopABC partition system of the F-plasmid in E.coli
15h10-15h30 : Ouafa BENZINA (L2C) : Changes induced by peripheral nerve injury in the morphology and nanomechanics of sensory neurons
16h20-16h40 : Pierre-Yves COLLART DUTILLEUL (LBSN) :Adhesion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells of the dental pulp on porous silicon : optimization of pore size and surface functionalization