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It is organized as a Softcomp Network of Excellence topical meeting, but registration is open to anyone (max. 50 people).
The scope of this workshop is to bring together scientists working on nano-composites from physics, chemistry and material science, as well as from industry, with a particular focus on the relation ship between polymer dynamics and reinforcement.
The workshop program will include two keynote lectures on
Abstracts for oral communications can be submitted by simple email to the organizers : Julian Oberdisse and Anne-Caroline Genix. Deadline :01/04/2011
Registration (including lunch & social dinner) : 50 euros (Students may apply for grants). Please download the registration form below (odt or doc format) and return it (if possible by email) to the organizers. Deadline :10/05/2011
Julian Oberdisse and Anne-Caroline Genix (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb , Université Montpellier 2)