Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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School on Optical Spectroscopies of 1D & 2D Nanostructures

par Christelle EVE - publié le , mis à jour le

School on Optical Spectroscopies of 1D & 2D Nanostructures (in L2C Montpellier)

3nd edition, July 1-5, 2024

This school aims to provide the theoretical and methodological basis of Raman and Photoluminescence spectroscopies,

Oral presentations will address fundamental lectures on the physical processes, more applied lessons displaying examples illustrated by practicals.

The specificity of this training is to combine theoretical courses and practicals. It will benefit from the expertise of two teams. This session will be able to welcome a maximum of 25 people (researchers, engineers and doctoral students...). The opportunity will be given to attend only one week of the school. This school is for beginners in this field or those who want to expand their knowledge in other disciplines

Fees for 1 week : 330 Euros HT

Student rooms available at affordable price : room from Sunday to Friday - around 150 TTC. (to be paid on site)

Program Raman & Photoluminescence :

