Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(307) Production(s) de KOB W.

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. The glass transition: New insights into an old problem

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

(Séminaires) CEMES (Toulouse, FR), 2014-12-11

. Les verres

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Chapître d'ouvrage: La Matiere En Desordre, vol. p.197 (2014)

. Computer Simulations of Glassy Systems with pinned Particles

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: Spin glasses: An old tool for new problems (Cargese, FR, 2014-08-25)

+ Current Status of Computer Simulation of Glass. Will DFT replace force-field methods?

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: Expert Panel on Computer Simulation of Glass (Mainz, DE, 2014-11-14)

. Hunting for static and dynamical length scales in glassy systems

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

(Séminaires) University of Pennsilvania (Philadelphia, US), 2014-10-07

+ Nonlinear dynamic response of glass-forming liquids to random pinning doi link

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.), Coslovich D.

(Article) Publié: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, And Soft Matter Physics, vol. 90 p.052305 (2014)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

. On the structure of sodium-borosilicate glasses: Insight from ab initio simulations

Auteur(s): Kob W.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: 1st Joint Meeting of DGG – ACerS GOMD (Aachen, DE, 2014-05-25)

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