Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(165) Production(s) de RUFFLE B.

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+ Effect of helium on the elastic properties of SiO2 glass under high pressure

Auteur(s): Weigel C.(Corresp.), Polian Alain, Kint M., Ruffle B., Foret M., Vacher R.

Conference: 50th European High Pressure Research Group Meeting (Thessaloniki, GR, 2012-09-18)

+ The compressibility of vitreous silica in Helium at high pressure

Auteur(s): Weigel C.(Corresp.), Kint M., Foret M., Ruffle B., Clement S., Vacher R., Polian Alain

Conference: 13èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée (Montpelier, FR, 2012-08-30)

+ Anomalous temperature-hardening of the elastic modulus in vitreous silica

Auteur(s): Ruffle B., Foret M.(Corresp.), Weigel C., Vacher R.

Conference: 11th ESG Conference (Maastricht, NL, 2012-06-03)

+ Dynamical origin of anomalous temperature hardening of elastic modulus in vitreous silica

Auteur(s): Foret M.(Corresp.), Ruffle B., Vacher R., Ayrinhac Simon, Polian Alain

Conference: XIV International Conferenceon phonon scattering in condensed matter (Ann Arbor, US, 2012-07-08)

+ Hypersound damping in silica measured by ultrafast acoustics at low temperature

Auteur(s): Devos Arnaud(Corresp.), Foret M., Sadtler Sabrina, Ruffle B., Courtens E., Vacher R.

Conference: XIV International Conferenceon phonon scattering in condensed matter (Ann Arbor, US, 2012-07-08)

+ Acoustic damping and dispersion in vitreous germanium oxide doi link

Auteur(s): Guimbretiere Guillaume, Ruffle B., Vacher R.

(Article) Publié: -Physical Review B Condensed Matter And Materials Physics (1998-2015), vol. 86 p.094304 (2012)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

+ Micro-Brillouin spectroscopy mapping of the residual density field induced by Vickers indentation in a soda-lime silicate glass doi link

Auteur(s): Tran Trung Hieu, Clement S., Vialla R., Vandembroucq Damien, Ruffle B.(Corresp.)

(Article) Publié: Applied Physics Letters, vol. 100 p.231901 (2012)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

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