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Structure, vibration, relaxations dans les systèmes désordonnés
(13) Production(s) de l'année 2024

Coupling of shear rheology with SAXS and BDS in rubber nanocomposites. 
Auteur(s): Genix A.-C., Shafqat Numera, Robin Clément, Serghei Anatoli, Fulchiron René, Oberdisse J.
Conference: 12th Conference on Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and its Applications (BDS2024) (Lisbon, PT, 2024-09-01)

Dynamics of polymer nanocomposite solutions and gels 
Auteur(s): Sorichetti V., Hugouvieux Virginie, Kob W.
Conférence invité: CECAM - Bridging the Atomic-Mesoscale Gap for Complex Interfaces (Montpellier, FR, 2024-09-25)

Evidence of percolation transitions in silica glass under pressure 
Auteur(s): Perradin J., Ispas S., Hasmy A., Hehlen B.
Conference: 15th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. (Cambridge (Angleterre), GB, 2024-07-15)
Ref HAL: hal-04876552_v1
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Résumé: In order to explore the structural mechanisms responsible for the plastic behavior andpolyamorphism in silica glasses v-SiO2, we have performed Molecular Dynamics (MD)simulations using different approaches. Recently, a Density Functional Tight-Binding(DFTB) (1) study has shown that the structural changes from low- to high-densityamorphous structures in v-SiO2 occur through a sequence of percolation transitions (2).These transitions also explain some of the mechanical properties of v-SiO2.To gain a deeper insight into the properties of the clusters and percolations networks, wehave performed classical MD simulations using a reliable pair potential (3). Due to its lowcomputational load, this method has allowed us to significantly increase the size of thesimulated system and have access to large length scales, from 2.5 to 12.0 nm. Similarpercolation transitions have been identified also for these new models. Generating severalorders of magnitude of cluster sizes allows the extraction of scaling laws associated witheach property of the clusters such as mass, correlation length, order parameter etc... Thescaling of such properties is correlated to the critical exponents or the fractal dimensionalityof the clusters. The collection of these quantities related to the transitions for the differentconnectivities SiO4-SiO4, SiO5-SiO5, SiO6-SiO6 and SiO6-stishovite, leads to thecharacterization of the percolation model, providing compelling evidence for amorphous-amorphous “phase” transitions in compressed silica glasses.

Diffusion hyper-Raman par les mode LO de relaxeurs ferroélectriques 
Auteur(s): Al-Zein A., Hehlen B.
(Article) Publié:
Physical Review B, vol. 110 p.024313 (2024)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : 
Ref HAL: hal-04866131_v1
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.110.024313
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Résumé: Hyper-Raman scattering is used to study the temperature dependence of the longitudinal optic (LO) modes of three prototypical ferroelectric relaxors in a broad temperature range from 20 to 800 K. The three LO bands observed in all spectra of the three materials are linked to the three transverse optic (TO) modes in cubic relaxors where LO i is linked to TO i , with i = 1 to 3. The Last, Slater, and Axe eigenvector pictures of the TO modes are consistent with our observations on LO1, LO2, and LO3, respectively. Within this framework, the splitting of LO2 would mostly be linked to a structural disorder on the site while the strength of an anomaly of LO1 near the freezing temperature T f relies on the ability of the material to develop a long-range ordering. Moreover, the more pronounced the splitting, the more important the structural disorder and the lower the value of the dielectric constant. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

High-contrast high-efficiency two-stage VIPA based Brillouin imaging spectrometer using a single diffraction mask 
Auteur(s): Desoutter Alban, Vialla R., Cuisinier Frédéric, Messat Yassine, Salehi Hamideh, Rousseau E., Ruffle B.
Conference: Brillouin Microscopy Conference 2024 (Trondheim, NO, 2024-09-11)

Dynamic fracture of alkali silicate glasses: insights from large scale atomistic simulations 
Auteur(s): Zhang Z., Ispas S., Kob W.
Conférence invité: MechGlass2024 USTVerre Thematic Day (Paris, FR, 2024-01-12)

Exploring the atomic scale surface properties of alkali silicate glasses 
Auteur(s): Zhang Z., Ispas S., Kob W.
Conférence invité: CECAM Bridging the Atomic-Mesoscale Gap for Complex Interfaces (Montpelier, FR, 2024-09-25)
Ref HAL: hal-04860165_v1
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Résumé: Despite the many experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies, there are still many unknowns about the microscopic understanding of the surface properties of silicate glasses. Nowadays, many applications rely on the control of surface composition, local structure, or morphology. Moreover, the disordered nature of the glass structure makes exploring and rationalizing some of these properties difficult on a microscopic level. MD simulations have been carried out to systematically examine the influence of alkali content and their chemical nature on the properties of alkali glass surfaces. We have shown how the production history, whether it's a melt-quench process or dynamic fracture, has a direct impact on both the atomistic-level and morphological properties