Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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Matériaux supramoléculaires
(4) Production(s) de l'année 2024

+ Advanced 1D heterostructures based on nanotube templates and molecules doi link

Auteur(s): Allard Charlotte, Alvarez L., Bantignies J.-L., Bendiab Nedjma, Cambré Sofie, Campidelli Stephane, Fagan Jeffrey, Flahaut Emmanuel, Flavel Benjamin, Fossard Frédéric, Gaufrès Etienne, Heeg Sebastian, Lauret Jean-Sebastien, Loiseau Annick, Marceau Jean-Baptiste, Martel Richard, Marty Läetitia, Pichler Thomas, Voisin Christophe, Reich Stephanie, Setaro Antonio, Shi Lei, Wenseleers Wim

(Article) Publié: Chemical Society Reviews, vol. 53 p.8457-8512 (2024)

+ A multiscale approach to enhance the thermoelectric properties of α-SrSi2 through micro-/nano-structuring and Ba substitution doi link

Auteur(s): Ghannam Rana, Coulomb Loic, Moll Adrien, Bérardan David, Maurin D., Bantignies J.-L., Mauguin Olivia, Vieira E Silva Antonio, Rebière Bertrand, Villeroy Benjamin, Rouquette Jérome, Chevallier Geoffroy, Estournès Claude, Viennois Romain, Beaudhuin Mickaël

(Article) Publié: Journal Of Alloys And Compounds, vol. 1002 p.175422 (2024)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : openaccess

+ Long‐time high‐pressure processing of a patatin‐rich potato proteins isolate: impact on aggregation and surface properties doi link

Auteur(s): Bahri Asma, Charpentier Claudine, Khati Paula, Le Parc R., Chevalier-Lucia Dominique, Picart-Palmade Laetitia

(Article) Publié: International Journal Of Food Science And Technology, vol. 59 p.4680-4692 (2024)

+ Revealing two chemical strategies to tune bright one- and two-photon excited fluorescence of carbon nanodots doi link

Auteur(s): Mucha S., Firlej L., Formalik F., Bantignies J.-L., Anglaret E., Samoć Marek, Matczyszyn Katarzyna

(Article) Publié: Journal Of Materials Chemistry C, vol. p. (2024)

