Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(1) Presentation(s)


Jeu. 11/01/2024 14:00 Salle des Séminaires, Bâtiment 21, Etage 4

SCHACHNER Andreas (Université de Munich)
de Sitter vacua at leading order

(Théorie des Interactions Fondamentales)


In this talk, I discuss recent progress in constructing explicit examples of de Sitter vacua at leading order in the \alpha' and g_s expansions as envisioned by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi 20 years ago. Initially, I will specify explicit Calabi-Yau orientifolds, and choices of quantised fluxes leading to exponentially small flux superpotential. I derive the four-dimensional effective supergravity theories, incorporating the leading non-perturbative superpotential terms from Euclidean D3-branes, and the leading corrections to the Kähler potential that are inherited from N=2 supersymmetry. Subsequently, I will demonstrate how warped Randall-Sundrum throats and SUSY breaking uplifts from anti-D3 branes can be incorporated in this construction. Lastly, I will briefly comment on the robustness of the construction against genuinely N=1 corrections in the \alpha’ and g_s expansions which are however not fully known.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Lüst S.

