Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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Matière Molle
(421) Articles dans des revues

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+ Tuning Local Nanoparticle Arrangements in TiO2-Polymer Nanocomposites by Grafting of Phosphonic Acids doi link

Auteur(s): Genix A.-C., Schmitt-Pauly C., Alauzun Johan G., Bizien Thomas, Mutin P. Hubert, Oberdisse J.

(Article) Publié: Macromolecules, vol. 50 p.7721-7729 (2017)

+ Comment on "Brownian diffusion of a particle at an air/liquid interface: elastic (not viscous) response of the surface" doi link

Auteur(s): Boniello G., Stocco A., Blanc C., Nobili M.(Corresp.)

(Article) Publié: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 19 p.22592-22593 (2017)

+ Self-assembly of PS-PNaSS-PS triblock copolymers from solution to the solid state doi link

Auteur(s): Nehache Sabrina, Semsarilar M., In M., Dieudonne-George P., Lai-Kee-Him Josephine, Bron Patrick, Bouyer Denis, Deratani Andre, Quemener Damien

(Article) Publié: Journal Of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, vol. 8 p.3357-3363 (2017)

+ Core-Shell Microgel-Based Surface Coatings with Linear Thermoresponse doi link

Auteur(s): Cors M., Wrede Oliver, Genix A.-C., Anselmetti Dario, Oberdisse J., Hellweg Thomas

(Article) Publié: Langmuir, vol. 33 p.6804-6811 (2017)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

+ Synergistic Effect of Small Molecules on Large-Scale Structure of Simplified Industrial Nanocomposites doi link

Auteur(s): Musino D., Genix A.-C., Fayolle Caroline, Papon Aurelie, Guy Laurent, Meissner Natalia, Kozak Radoslaw, Weda Pawel, Bizien Thomas, Chaussee Thomas, Oberdisse J.

(Article) Publié: Macromolecules, vol. 50 p.5138-5145 (2017)

+ Complexation of short ds RNA/DNA oligonucleotides with Gemini micelles: a time resolved SAXS and computational study doi link

Auteur(s): Falsini Sara, Di Cola Emanuela, In M., Giordani Maria, Borocci Stefano, Ristori Sandra

(Article) Publié: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 19 p.3046-3055 (2017)

+ Playing with Emulsion Formulation to Control the Perforation of a Freely Expanding Liquid Sheet doi link

Auteur(s): Vernay C., Ramos L., Würger Alois, Ligoure C.(Corresp.)

(Article) Publié: Langmuir, vol. 33 p.3458-3467 (2017)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : openaccess

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