Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(254) Production(s) de RAMOS L.

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+ Interfacial behavior of plant based proteins hal link

Auteur(s): Poirier A., Banc A.(Corresp.), Stocco A., In M., Ramos L.(Corresp.)

Conference: Physics for Food Manufacturing (Edimbourg, GB, 2018-01-11)

+ Model gluten gels

Auteur(s): Ramos L.

Conference: Physics in Food Manufacturing (Edinburgh, GB, 2018-01-10)

. Model gluten gels

Auteur(s): Ramos L.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: Journée d’automne du GDR Symbiose "Matière Molle et matériaux bio (paris, FR, 2017-12-14)

+ Impact of drops and beads of gel

Auteur(s): Ramos L.(Corresp.), Arora S., Ligoure C.

Conférence invité: “Rheology of gel networks”, CECAM workshop (Lyon, FR, 2017-06-21)

+ Interactions and assemblies of wheat proteins hal link

Auteur(s): Pincemaille J., Banc A.(Corresp.), Menut Paul, Morel M.-H., Ramos L.

Conference: Soft Comp Annual Meeting (Venise, IT, 2017-05-29)

+ Failure precursors in the dynamics of a colloidal gel under creep hal link

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L., Aime S.(Corresp.), Ramos L.(Corresp.)

Conference: Réunion GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée (Fréjus, FR, 2017-11-08)

+ Gliadins at the air/water interface hal link

Auteur(s): Poirier A.(Corresp.), Banc A.(Corresp.), Stocco A., In M., Ramos L.

Conference: European Student Colloid Conference (Florence, IT, 2017-06-19)

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