Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(33) Production(s) de KERN N.

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. The diffusive vesicle supply center model for tip growth in fungal hyphae

Auteur(s): Tindemans S.H., Kern N., Mulder B.

(Article) Publié: Journal Of Theoretical Biology, vol. 238 (4) p.937-948 (2006)

. Rheology of ordered foams - on the way to discrete microfluidics

Auteur(s): Drenckhan W., Cox S.J., Delaney G., Holste H., Weaire G., Kern N.

(Article) Publié: Colloids And Surfaces A: Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects, vol. 263 (1-3) p.52-64 (2005)

+ Loaded foam structures

Auteur(s): Weaire D., Kern N., Verbist G.

(Article) Publié: Philosophical Magazine Letters, vol. 84 p.117-125 (2004)

+ Pressures in periodic foams

Auteur(s): Weaire D., Kern N., Cox S.J., Sullivan J.M., Morgan F.

(Article) Publié: Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of London Series A Mathematical And Physical Sc, vol. 460 p.569-579 (2004)

. The two-dimensional viscous froth model for foam dynamics.

Auteur(s): Kern N., Weaire D., Martin A., Hutzler S., Cox S.J.

(Article) Publié: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, And Soft Matter Physics, vol. 70 p.041411 (2004)

. Dissipation in foam flowing through narrow channels.

Auteur(s): Cantat I., Kern N., Delannay R.

(Article) Publié: Europhysics Letters (Epl), vol. 65 (5) p.726-732 (2004)

. On the physics of protein crystalliasation

Auteur(s): Kern N.

(Séminaires) Universitad Carlos III (Madrid, Spain, FR), 2003-00-00

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