Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(79) Production(s) de ZAHAB A. A.

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+ Growth and physical properties of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes. hal link

Auteur(s): Paillet M., Jourdain V., Chaudret B., Meyer J.C., Poncharal Philippe, Zahab A. A.

(Article) Publié: Diamond And Related Materials, vol. 14 p.1426 (2005)

. Investigations of Raman scattering of individual SWNTs.

Auteur(s): Paillet M., Bendiab Nicolas, Poncharal Philippe, CORDENTE N., CHAUDRET B., Meyer J., Roth S., Zahab A. A., Sauvajol J.-L.

Conference: GDR 1752 - Nanotubes mono- and multi-elements (Lyon, France, FR, 2004-10)

. Individual SWNT synthesis on discrete nickel nanoparticles.

Auteur(s): Paillet M., Jourdain V., Poncharal Philippe, Cordente N., Chaudret B., Bernier Patrick, Zahab A. A.

(Affiches/Poster) GDR 1752 Nanotubes mono- and multi- elements (France, FR), 2004-10-00

. Matchstick nanotubes : structural control and properties

Auteur(s): Jourdain V., Paillet M., Castignolles Marianne, Stephan O., Poncharal Philippe, Zahab A. A., Loiseau A., Bernier Patrick

(Affiches/Poster) NanoteC 04 (Batz-sur-mer, France, FR), 2004-10-10

. Matchstick nanotubes : structural control and properties

Auteur(s): Jourdain V., Paillet M., Stephan O., Poncharal Philippe, Zahab A. A., Loiseau A., Bernier Patrick, Robertson J.

Conference: MRS fall meeting 2004 (Boston, USA, FR, 2004-11-29)

. Electrical properties of C70 intercalation compounds.

Auteur(s): Firlej L., Zahab A. A.

(Article) Publié: Phase Transitions A Multinational Journal, vol. 76 p.247 (2003)

. L'ordinateur dans l'enseignement des sciences physiques.

Auteur(s): Zahab A. A., Bel J.-P.

Conference: Séminaire pédagogique à L'Ecole Normale Supérieur de Dakar (Dakar, Senegal, FR, 2003-02-01)

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