Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


Accueil > La Recherche > Axes & Equipes > Physique de l’Exciton, du Photon & du Spin > Optique des états collectifs et des spins (OECS) > Dynamique de Spin > CONUS


CONUS (ANR-RSF project, 2022-2025)

COrrelated NUclear Spin states in n-GaAs and nanostructures

  • Project coordinators :
    • Denis Scalbert, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, Montpellier
    • Kirill Kavokin Spin Optics Laboratory (St-Petersburg, Russia)
  • Project goal : Our Russian-French consortium has developed models and optical techniques for non-perturbative control of NSS in semiconductors. We aim to extend them via low-field nuclear magnetic resonance to probe sensitivity of each isotope to strains and electric field gradients. Our objective is to find and mitigate the mechanisms limiting nuclear spin cooling in GaAs-based micro- and nanostructures. This will pave the way towards control of nuclear spin correlations and, ultimately, realization of semiconductor-specific magnetically ordered states.
  • Partners :
    • L2C, Montpellier
    • C2N, Saclay
    • SOLAB, St-Petersburg, Russia
  • ANR International Collaborative Research Program (PRCI),
    • Contract ANR-21-CE30-00XX
    • within CE30 (Physique de la matière condensée et de la matière diluée)

Cold nuclear spin systems (NSS) exhibit a rich phase diagram spanning over positive and negative temperatures and including various magnetic phases. In semiconductors, NSS offers a possibility to address the thermodynamics on magnetic dipolar lattices below 1µK. However, cooling to such low temperatures is challenging, sensitive detection methods are missing and even the theoretical problem of the magnetic phase diagram is just partly solved. Our Russian-French consortium has developed models and optical techniques for non-perturbative control of NSS in semiconductors. We aim to extend them via low-field nuclear magnetic resonance to probe sensitivity of each isotope to strains and electric field gradients. Our objective is to find and mitigate the mechanisms limiting nuclear spin cooling in GaAs-based micro- and nanostructures. This will pave the way towards control of nuclear spin correlations and, ultimately, realization of semiconductor-specific magnetically ordered states.


To appear soon

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To appear soon

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