Accueil > La Recherche > Axes & Equipes > Physique de l’Exciton, du Photon & du Spin > Technologies Quantiques à l’Etat Solide > Thème : Métamatériaux et Nanophotonique
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This activity involves five laboratories (L2C, LASMEA, ANAM, Institut Fresnel, Institut FEMTO-ST). It is coordinated by D. Felbacq (L2C). The aim is to develop numerical and theoretical tools allowing the computation and the understanding of the effective properties of metamaterials. There is a particular interest in the onset of artificial magnetism in dielectric structures because it opens a way towards metamaterials working in the visible. By using an original approach relying on the mathematical theory of homogenization, an explicit formula for the effective permeability was derived. A completely new effect of spatial dispersion was predicted in arrays of metallic wires.