Accueil > La Recherche > Axes & Equipes > Physique de l’Exciton, du Photon & du Spin > Technologies Quantiques à l’Etat Solide > Thème : Métamatériaux et Nanophotonique
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The main results are the design of new photonic devices called Gradient Photonic Crystals. These nanostructures present smooth variations of their basic cells allowing an enhanced control over light propagation. This idea has been experimentally validated during a collaboration with the Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale d’Orsay in the micro-wave régime by demonstrating a mirage effect.
These researches concern as well the generation of the second harmonic in non-linear photonic crystals. There has been an experimental activity combined with a theoretical activity that has led to the experimental demonstration of the enhancement of the generation of the second harmonic in GaN membrane photonic crystals. These results were at the heart of J. Torres PhD thesis (co-advised by D. Coquillat and J. P. Albert). It has also been shown theoretically that Photonic Crystals allow for an enhanced control over the generation of the second harmonic thanks to the super-prism effect or the localization of light. New directions of research have arisen from a collaboration with the team « Matériaux et capteurs » with the aim at designing hybrid organic/inorganic photonic devices comprising biological emitters (bactériorhodopsin) and photonic crystals. This interdisciplinary research has been partially funded by the network of excellence PHOREMOST in the framework of a collaboration with the university « La Sapienza » from Roma (Italy).